Agriculture statistics
Statistics and facts on Agriculture

The industry Agriculture includes statistics, facts and market data on the primary sectors Farming, Forestry, and Fishery & Aquaculture.

Farming is one of the oldest businesses and comprises the cultivation of crops and animals for mainly food or use as biofuel. The farming sector provides figures on production and production value and highlights leading producing states on the national level. In addition, it covers infrastructure information such as commodity prices, income levels and number of production facilities, and shows data on industry employment. Top-tier companies in the agricultural landscape include seed and crop protection producer Monsanto, flour-miller Archer Daniels Midland, and agricultural machinery and farm equipment manufacturer Deere & Company (commonly known under its brand name John Deere). In this context, a broad range of company-related statistics is presented.

Fishery is an industrial sector dealing with raising or harvesting fish for food production or further processing. Fishery distinguishes between commercial and recreational fishing. The sector provides data on the number of domestic landings, annual prices for different fish species, generated sales and trade data on major imports and exports.

The third subbranch of the primary sector agriculture – forestry – covers the management of forests in order to produce raw materials and to use wood in a sustainable way.

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