Travel, Tourism & Hospitality statistics
Statistics and Market Data on Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

On this page you can find statistics, facts and market data on the topics travel, tourism & hospitality. This includes, for example, information on restaurants, restaurant chains, food services, hotels, business and leisure travel, holiday destinations and activities, camping, and the cruise industry.

The travel & tourism sector has developed into an industry with an annual economic impact (direct, indirect and induced) of around 6.5 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. In 2012, the number of international tourist arrivals exceeded the one billion mark for the first time, an increase of almost 50 percent compared to ten years earlier. International travelers from China, Germany and the United States are amongst the biggest spenders worldwide.

The global hotel industry generates approximately between 400 and 500 billion U.S. dollars in revenue each year, one third of that revenue is attributable to the United States. Some of the biggest hotel chains (groups) are the InterContinental Hotels Group, Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, Accor, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, and the Wyndham Hotel Group. Three of the most important hotel performance indicators are the Average Daily Rate (ADR), the revenue per available room (RevPar), and the occupancy rate.

The hospitality and restaurant industry is a diverse and highly competitive industry. Among the competitors in the industry are single sandwich shops, coffee shops and restaurants, coffeehouses, pizza and quick-service restaurant chains, and also high-end, luxury fine-dining restaurants, offering the customer a vast variety of choices. Estimations put the overall revenue from food and drink sales in the United States at more than 600 billion U.S. dollars. Major players in the industry include McDonald’s (limited-service segment) with more than 34 thousand restaurants worldwide, the coffeehouse chain Starbucks – with more than 19 thousand stores worldwide – and Domino’s Pizza in the pizza chain segment.

Picture: / kolobsek, barunpatro

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