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If PETA asked Aussie racehorses to make compassionate name changes

'Lion Tamer' is now 'Lion Mauls To Death Tormentor In Justifiable Homicide'

Animal protection group PETA has today called upon Australian rock band Hunters & Collectors to change its name, apparently in the interests of discouraging people from hurting animals.


As you can see from the above piece of correspondence, suggested changes for the apparently offensive "Hunters & Collectors" name included "Hunters & Collectors of Vinyl Records", and "Hunters & Collectors of Beer Cans".

Fair dinkum. 

Ideally the group would like to see horse racing banned altogether but that's the last thing we want, so we're happy to come to a compromise - by changing some of the more "confrontational" names in racing. 

Here are a few alternatives that will hopefully appease those crazy cats at the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals! 

Past champions

Was: Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer wins the 2010 VRC Derby. 

Now known as: Lion Mauls To Death Tormentor In Justifiable Homicide

Meat is not always murder! 


Was: Rogan Josh


1999 Melbourne Cup winner Rogan Josh. 

Now known as: Lima Bean Curry

Boycott all Australian racetracks until they improve their vegan catering options. 

Was: Eagle Falls


Eagle Falls' jockey Damien Oliver loves animals so much he bet $10,000 on a non-human equal named Miss Octopussy. 

Now known as: Eagle Falls Safely Into Arms Of Animal Lover

Bette Midler retains her mountainside vigil to catch any feathered friends in distress.  

Was: Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom wins the Dubai World Cup. 

Now known as: Animal Kingdom

They didn't have a problem with this one... 

Was: Smokin' Joey

Goodwood Handicap winner Smokin' Joey. 

Now known as: Vaping Joey

Joey has come to accept that his second-hand smoke was harmful to animals. 

And a few current conveyances that will surely be forced to change their names

Angry Cat
➡️  Understandably Perturbed Non-Human Equal 

Butcher Boy ➡️  Vegan Yoga Instructor

Butchers Secret ➡️  Open and Honest Juice Bar Proprietor

Catch Dat Kat ➡️  Allow Non-Human Equal to Roam Free

Chivalry ➡️  Animal Husbandry

Horsey McHorseface ➡️  Equine Non-Human Equal Not Judged by his Appearance 

Hunter Rockstar ➡️  Nurturing Folk Singer 

Kill Bill ➡️  Invite Bill Over For Rice And Beans

Killer Wasp ➡️  Misunderstood Winged Insect

Meat Traders ➡️  Traders of Palm Oil Free Soaps 

Meatball ➡️  Falafel 

Miss Gunpowder ➡️  Miss Pea Protein Powder

Swimming Goat ➡️  Goat Travelling By Vegetable Oil-Powered Car

Some human participants should probably support the cause as well...

Lee Freedman ➡️  Lee Freedanimal

Shane Dye ➡️  Shane Harmony

Furthermore, any protests lodged shall henceforth be known as ‘conscientious objections’.

Feel free to add some suggested name changes below! 

Share your thoughts

Vision65 you've got that first one wrong as "Coloured Person would offend the Sth African majority and the last part of person is son so that would need to be changed to progeny or offspring at the very least. PETA can get stuffed with that stupid approach to the band. Political correctness going nuts.
It won't stop there just wait until the anti-discrimination mob get on to us. Black Caviar to Coloured Person Caviar. Land of Plenty - Was Australia
Slow news day?
Gotta start thread for this
Pretty sure there is a 18 letter capacity for names guys ...
This is very gay
Ok, Vapin' Joey got a laugh out of me.
😂🤣 Stop it you're killing me!
James Lamb
James' main focus is finding a winner or two in Melbourne. Loves having a quaddie and enjoys the lighter side of racing. Favourite horse: Banana Man 🍌
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