

  1. Tax breaks don't work

    We've been here before ... the Victorian Government is cutting stamp duty for first time buyers to give them a leg up, but this has been tried there and elsewhere and it just doesn't work.

  2. Rising inequality

    Australian principles are under attack, starkly illustrated by the recent recommendation by the industrial arbiter to cut the wages of Australia's lowest-paid workers.

  3. Property wealth transfer

    There is a widening of inequality between younger Australians whose parents own a home and those who do not, a new report shows.

  4. Finance week ahead

    Business reporter Michael Janda previews the week ahead in business and finance for RN Breakfast.

  5. Affordable housing

    Set up in 2014 by community organisation Launch Housing, HomeGround is a real estate agency that aims to create more affordable housing by tapping into the large private rental market.

  6. Drought innovators

    In outback Queensland, where drought has dominated in the past five years, the small seeds of big business ideas have started to grow.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Mon Mar 06 2017 16:11:00 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5775.40 5788.50 0.2%
5729.60 5746.50 0.3%
2085.00 2067.50 -0.8%
8786.80 8774.80 -0.1%
6695.90 6717.30 0.3%
21799.10 21651.70 -0.7%
815.50 817.10 0.2%
9915.40 10027.00 1.1%
5076.30 5072.40 -0.1%
9181.20 9224.20 0.5%
1622.10 1638.60 1%
8260.70 8252.80 -0.1%
2337.80 2328.20 -0.4%

Last updated

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