Vice President PenceПодлинная учетная запись


Husband, father, and honored to serve as the 48th Vice President of the United States. Tweets may be archived: .

Washington, D.C.
Дата регистрации: январь 2017 г.

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  1. 19 часов назад

    If we do that, I believe with all my heart that these divided times will give way to unity—and America will be great again.

  2. 19 часов назад

    As we learned from Carryn Owens this week, we should take every opportunity to stand together and look up a little more.

  3. 19 часов назад

    Privileged to address the Gridiron Dinner. While we have our differences, & you'll know when we have them, we must focus on what unites us.

  4. 4 мар.

    When we requested they take it down, they refused. The owes my wife an apology.

  5. 4 мар.

    Last night the published my wife's private email address, violating her privacy and our security...

  6. 3 мар.

    Stopped in for a bite at O'Riley & Conway's Irish Pub in Janesville with and visited with Wisconsin residents

  7. 3 мар.

    The has an unwavering belief in the American people—hardworking men and women like those here at Blain's in Wisconsin.

  8. 3 мар.

    Obamacare is weighing down our job creators & hurting small business owners like those gathered here at our listening session in Wisconsin.

  9. 3 мар.

    We have a lot of work to do. But as likes to say, with faith in the American people and in God, we will .

  10. 3 мар.

    This administration will get our economy moving by passing the biggest tax reform since Ronald Reagan and cutting taxes across the board.

  11. 3 мар.

    We will replace Obamacare with a better law that lowers the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government.

  12. 3 мар.

    Under , we will repeal Obamacare once and for all—eliminating its mandates, taxes, and intrusion into businesses and lives.

  13. 3 мар.

    Obamacare is a job killer. Endless price hikes and red tape eat up time and money better spent growing businesses and benefitting workers.

  14. 3 мар.

    Our administration has the biggest and boldest agenda this country has ever seen—and we’re going to pass it from top to bottom.

  15. 3 мар.

    Businesses are reacting to Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” vision with optimism and investment in our country.

  16. 3 мар.

    On day one, went to work undoing the job-destroying policies and executive orders of the last eight years.

  17. 3 мар.

    Tune in as I take the stage with , and at Blain's in Wisconsin.

  18. 3 мар.

    Joined by & on the way to Wisconsin to meet with small biz owners & discuss challenges they face, like Obamacare.

  19. 2 мар.

    Congratulations to our new Secretary, Rick Perry. and I have absolute confidence in your leadership, integrity, and ability.

  20. 2 мар.

    . & I have full faith that Secretary Dr. Ben Carson will open doors of opportunity and meet the needs of our most vulnerable.

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