Stackdriver Trace

Find performance bottlenecks in production.

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Distributed Tracing for Everyone

Stackdriver Trace is a distributed tracing system that collects latency data from your applications and displays it in the Google Cloud Platform Console. You can track how requests propagate through your application and receive detailed near real-time performance insights. Stackdriver Trace automatically analyzes all of your application's traces to generate in-depth latency reports to surface performance degredations, and can capture traces from all of your VMs, containers, or Google App Engine projects.

Find Performance Bottlenecks

Using Stackdriver Trace, you can inspect detailed latency information for a single request or view aggregate latency for your entire application. Using the various tools and filters provided, you can quickly find where bottlenecks are occurring and more quickly identify their root cause. Stackdriver Trace is based off of the tools used at Google to keep our services running at extreme scale.

Fast, Automatic Issue Detection

Trace continuously gathers and analyzes trace data from your project to automatically identify recent changes to your application's performance. These latency distributions, available through the Analysis Reports feature, can be compared over time or versions, and Stackdriver Trace will automatically alert you if it detects a significant shift in your app's latency profile.

Broad Platform Support

Stackdriver Trace's language-specific SDKs can analyze projects running on VMs (even those not managed by Google Cloud Platform). The Trace SDK is currently available for Java, Node.js, Ruby, and Go, and the Trace API can be used to submit and retrieve trace data from any source. A Zipkin collector is also available, which allows Zipkin tracers to submit data to Stackdriver Trace. Projects running on Google App Engine are automatically captured.

Stackdriver Trace Features

Find performance bottlenecks in production.

Easy Set Up
All App Engine applications are automatically traced and libraries are available to trace applications running elsewhere after minimal setup. All performance reports and analysis described above are available out of the box.
Automatic Analysis
Automatic daily performance reports are created for each traced application. You can also generate reports on demand.
Latency Shift Detection
Performance reports of your application are evaluated over time to identify latency degradation of your application over time.
Performance Insights
Each end point level trace is evaluated automatically for performance bottlenecks.
Extensibility For Custom Workloads
The Trace API and language specific SDKs are available to trace applications running on virtual machines and containers. Trace data can be consumed via the Stackdriver Trace UI through the Trace API.

“ Analytics in trace allowed us to quickly establish that latency had changed. Stackdriver Trace timelines showed us where the latency bottlenecks were occurring and helped us get back on our feet. ”

- Keith Marsh Principal Online Technologist, Dovetail Games


Trace is free to use for all Cloud Platform customers.