Penalty rates: Unions and employers at odds on transition to new regime

Updated March 02, 2017 00:28:47

Unions and employer groups are at odds over how quickly changes to penalty rates should be introduced.

Key points:

  • Employer groups want the penalty rate transition to occur ASAP, unions do not want to see any changes to wages
  • One approach could be to only enforce the rate cut to new workers
  • Productivity Commission Chairman Peter Harris wants the cuts to be implemented over a 12-month period

Last week the Fair Work Commission ruled that there should be a cut to Sunday penalty rates for many workers in the fast food, retail and hospitality industries.

And the Commission has now called for submissions over how the pay cuts should be brought in.

Employer groups say they want the change brought in as quickly as possible, but unions argue that now is the time for the Government to stand up for workers and put forward a case to protect existing pay agreements.

The employer lobby group the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry wants the changes to come in as soon as possible.

"We now need to focus on a transition, and we believe that should happen as quickly as possible so we can see the benefits of the Fair Work Commission, the independent umpire, has identified," the organisation's chief executive James Pearson told AM.

"More hours for those who want them, more jobs for those who need them, and a greater level of customer service for the increasing number of Australians who want to shop on a Sunday."

Should changes only be imposed on new workers?

The Fair Work Commission has called for submissions about how the transition should happen.

Andrew Stewart is a professor of law at the University of Adelaide. He says the Commission has suggested a couple of ideas on how to cushion the impact of the penalty rate cuts on the thousands of workers who rely on the higher Sunday wages.

"It did give an indication that it was more inclined to think about phasing in these changes over a period of time, possibly over a couple of years," he said.

"So that may be the Commission's starting point at the moment. But clearly it could be persuaded otherwise. One option which a number of parties is very likely to suggest is that the Commission in fact should only introduce these changes for new workers, and not at all for existing workers."

This second approach would mean that effectively there is two tiers of workers, with some on the old scheme and higher Sunday penalties, and some on the new.

This grandfathering approach is favoured by the Council of Small Business, who says it is not in favour of cutting people's pay overnight.

"That's wrong, that's not fair, and we support the fact that the transition should keep people that are on double time on the higher rate," the Council's chief executive Peter Strong said.

He says he has already spoken to the Fair Work Ombudsman to make sure this approach will not lead to businesses sacking employees and hiring others on lower rates, and he is willing to work with unions to make the transition as smooth as possible.

"The beauty of how it works, until people get emotional and all angsty and political about it is we can work this out together and that's the way we've done it in the past and that's the way we can do it now," he said.

But overnight at Senate Estimates, Productivity Commission chairman Peter Harris said he wanted penalty rate cuts to come in over 12 months.

"To the extent it has an impact on individuals, individuals should know that change is coming and have the chance to adjust," he said.

'Government sitting on its hands'

But unions do not want to see any changes to wages, even if they are grandfathered.

"The Government has been sitting on its hands throughout these entire proceedings over the last few years, and we think it owes the Australian public an explanation of where it stands," United Voice's national secretary Jo Schofield said.

"Both in relation to the broader issue of the cuts that will affect 700,000 people, but also what steps it intends to take to protect people from those harsh and unfair cuts."

She is calling on the Government to put forward a submission to the Fair Work Commission to protect existing pay agreements.

"I think people know the Government can take some action if they choose to," she said.

"If the Government were to make a submission to the Commission and say we don't think it's in the economic or public interest that this country, for the lowest paid workers, to have a pay cut, we think that sort of submission would be very persuasive on the Commission."

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Topics: government-and-politics, business-economics-and-finance, retail, hospitality, australia

First posted March 02, 2017 00:06:40