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france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme / article de fond Tuesday February 14, 2017 04:55 by Relations Extérieures de la CGA   text 1 comment (last - friday february 17, 2017 06:07)   image 1 image
Communiqué de la CGA de solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes de la police, contre les lois sécuritaires, les violences et le racisme d’État. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas / portada Monday February 13, 2017 15:15 by Centro de Educación y Comunicación Popular - Enraizando   image 1 image
Se realiza un recuento de las amenazas, la persecución, las acciones de propaganda armada y los atentados contra la vida de las comunidades indígenas nasa ejercidas por grupos paramilitares en el mes de enero del 2017. Luego se presenta el contexto de violencia contra activistas sociales y defensores de derechos humanos en Colombia registrado durante el año 2016, señalando como el territorio del Cauca ha sido el más golpeado por la violencia contra las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias, se termina con una reflexión sobre el avance y reconfiguración del paramilitarismo en Colombia. read full story / add a comment
"When the women rise, the people advance"
north america / mexico / gender / feature Tuesday February 07, 2017 14:31 by Romina Akemi and Bree Busk   text 1 comment (last - wednesday february 15, 2017 00:44)   image 1 image
In the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency, there were two important mobilizations that expressed radically different views on reproductive rights. The Women’s March on Washington, which took place the day after Trump’s inauguration, has been hailed as one of the largest mobilizations in US history. What began as a spontaneous call quickly ballooned into a movement that tapped into growing anxieties over the intentions of the new administration. The march drew some 500,000 to rally in Washington DC while sister marches were held across the country and even worldwide. One week later, another mobilization took place: the annual March for Life. While significantly smaller, this march still drew many attendees who were energized by celebrity speakers from the Trump administration. At this point, there is no certainty that the Women’s March will evolve into an actual social movement. This much is clear: the Women’s March represents a political opening to rebuild a revolutionary feminist movement (in conjunction with other developing struggles) that advances demands to improve the lives of working people and embraces conflict with the liberal, capitalist character of the feminist movement of the day. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
iberia / la izquierda / portada Friday February 03, 2017 15:37 by José Luis Carretero Miramar   image 2 images
Ponencia presentada en el Panel “Las ocupaciones obreras y la autogestión a lo largo de la historia –vínculos con el presente. II Encuentro Euro - Mediterráneo “La Economía de los trabajadorxs” - VIOME - 28/29/30 Octubre 2016. Participantes: Francesca Gabbriellini (Italia), Milos Vlaisavljevic (Croacia), Ozgur Narin (Turquía), Alan Tuckman y Tom Unterrainer (Reino Unido) y Mario Hernandez (Argentina). read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / imperialism / war / feature Monday January 23, 2017 16:50 by Jakob Reimann   image 2 images
When Obama received the Nobel Prize in 2009, the committee acknowledged his commitment to peace. He has since bombed eight countries. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género / portada Saturday January 21, 2017 13:49 by Mesa Feminista Solidaridad   text 1 comment (last - saturday january 21, 2017 22:22)   image 1 image
Durante el 14 y 15 de enero de 2017, en Valparaíso, se llevó a cabo el I Encuentro Feminista de Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria a nivel nacional. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / repression / prisoners / feature Friday January 20, 2017 23:18 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   text 1 comment (last - saturday january 21, 2017 22:24)   image 1 image
“Dün yaşadığım ülkede tanklarla toplarla bombalanıp yakılan yıkılan kentler, öldürülen yüzlerce insan, yaralanan ve evsiz kalan binlerce yaşlı, genç, çocuk, kadın ve erkek için göz yaşları dinmemiş, öfke yatışmamışken; tüm bunların failleri kahramanlar olarak gösterilip madalya verildiği görüntüler hafızamızda canlıyken; kentleri yakıp yıkan, insanları öldüren tank ve uçaklar 15 Temmuz’da Ankara ve İstanbul’u hedef aldığında, dünün kahraman failleri bir gecede hain ilan edildi. Binlerce insan hapishanelere dolduruldu, on binlercesinin görevlerine son verildi. [English] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / feature Monday January 16, 2017 13:55 by BD   text 1 comment (last - wednesday january 18, 2017 05:43)   image 1 image
On January 3, 2017, Syrian refugees, joined by Iraqi refugees and international supporters, marched on the Russian embassy in Thessaloniki, Greece. An article reporting on the march quotes a Syrian refugee as follows: “They are trying to kill all the flowers in Syria, but they cannot kill the Spring. The Spring is coming. We are here, they cannot kill all the Syrian people.” (“Syrian refugees in Greece despair over Aleppo,” reported by Marianna Karakoulaki and Dimitiris Tosidis, DW, January 3, 2017 (http// read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / economia / editoriale Saturday January 14, 2017 19:18 by Alternativa Libertaria/fdca   image 1 image
Renzi è caduto. Le sue politiche no. E’ sempre più urgente recuperare capacità di coalizione e di lotta alla base nei luoghi di lavoro e nel territorio, ri-costruire strumenti e metodi di ampia partecipazione dal basso, forme di solidarietà autogestite, forme di vertenzialità conflittuali che facciano crescere coscienza e progettualità. read full story / add a comment
César Augusto Roa Carvajal (1982-2016)
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / portada Wednesday January 11, 2017 15:11 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
El miércoles 28 de diciembre, el compañero César Augusto Roa Carvajal, iba en su moto por Mosquera, Cundinamarca, cuando a las 10:30pm perdió el control del vehículo y se estrelló contra un poste. Para los medios, era sencillamente uno más de los muertos en esa vía, el cuarto en la semana. Para nosotros el que había muerto era también un compañero excepcional, que había destacado en la lucha de los corteros de caña en el Valle del Cauca en el 2008. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners / feature Saturday December 24, 2016 03:48 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   text 3 comments (last - tuesday december 27, 2016 05:38)   image 1 image
An investigation was started by Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's office about our newspaper related to articles "Both Arrival and Departure of State is From Fear", "Banned Until Further Order", and "Recreating Life" in the 30. issue of our newspaper published on December 2015 with the caption "Banning Everything". The lawsuit following the investigation ended after almost a year of trials. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas / portada Thursday December 15, 2016 07:19 by Steven Crux   image 1 image
Este texto pretende buscar los puentes que existen entre la liberación de la madre tierra y nuestra praxis autónoma y libertaria. Precisamente, ese objetivo no lo plantea una motivación académica sino de acción, de seguir caminando para redescubrir un otro mundo que tejen los pueblos al calor de sus luchas. En ese sentido, la mayor parte de estos análisis surgen de procesos de acompañamiento y estudio mano a mano con los brazos que liberan la tierra, razón por la cual se hace difícil hacer una exhaustiva referencia y bibliografía al respecto, que se espera, pueda ser mayor en un futuro cercano conforme vaya caminando más la palabra. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / feature Tuesday December 06, 2016 20:23 by Tom Wetzel   text 3 comments (last - tuesday december 13, 2016 02:37)   image 1 image
Debate "The claim that "syndicalist unions broke off from mainstream federations to form 'purely revolutionary' unions, cutting themselves off from the mass of workers" doesn't hold up, though it does conform to the Leninist orthodoxy of "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder. There were many countries where the syndicalist unions were the majority--such as Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and Brazil. Syndicalist unions in South Africa, such as the Industrial Workers of Africa (modeled on the Industrial Workers of the World), were the only unions that organized native African workers, who were excluded from the white craft unions.
At the time of the mass occupation of the factories in Italy in September 1920, the USI (Italian Syndicalist Union) was claiming 800,000 members, and the factory councils formed throughout Italy in those events were mostly organized by the USI. Moreover, it was the anarcho-syndicalists who initiated a militia movement ("arditti del popolo") to fight Mussolini's fascist squads. But the Communists didn't cooperate, and the Socialist Party capitulated to fascism.

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mashriq / arabia / iraq / anti-fascism / feature Saturday December 03, 2016 15:14 by Various   text 1 comment (last - wednesday december 21, 2016 22:32)   image 1 image
Selection of articles on the murder of anarchist Michael Israel, together with volunteer Anton Leschek, while fighting with the YPG against ISIS fascists in Rojava. They were bombed by Turkish airplanes. read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / cinsiyet / feature Monday November 28, 2016 16:36 by Anarşist Kadınlar   image 1 image
17 Kasım günü, AKP’li 6 milletvekilinin hazırlamış olduğu “cinsel istismar” yasa önerisi bu sabah komisyona geri çekilmiş olsa da, gündeme geldiği günden bu yana kadınların tepkisiyle karşı karşıya kalan bu önerinin biz kadınlar için ne demek olduğunu anlamakta fayda var. Hazırlanan öneri ile cinsel ilişkiye rıza yaşını 15’ten 12’ye indirip, sürmekte olan ceza davalarındaki failler ve bundan sonra gerçekleşecek tacizlerin-tecavüzlerin faillerinin, “çocuğun rızası vardır” diyerek cezadan kurtulmasının; cinsel suçların aklanmasının; tacizcilerin ve tecavüzcülerin istismar ettikleri çocuklarla evlendikleri takdirde affedilmesinin; kız çocuklarının 12 yaşından itibaren tacize ve tecavüze maruz bırakılmasının ve çocuk gelinlerin varlığına yasal kılıf uydurulmasının zemini hazırlanmak istenmişti. Henüz bu sabah yasa önerisinin geri çekilmesi ise bir yandan biz kadınların direnerek özgürleşebileceğine dair en somut örneklerden oldu, bir yandan da devletin oyalamacı politikalarının göstergesi.
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france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme / article de fond Monday November 21, 2016 16:17 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - Lyon   text 2 comments (last - wednesday november 23, 2016 19:56)   image 1 image
La résistance de nos camarades a empêché les fascistes de pénétrer physiquement dans le local, mais n’a pu éviter les dégâts matériels que sont la destruction de la totalité des vitres et d’une partie du volet. Plusieurs personnes ont également subi des blessures légères durant cette agression qui a duré de longues minutes, notamment à cause de projectiles (pierres, outils métalliques, bouteilles en verre) lancés par les fascistes. Lors de leur arrivée puis de leur départ, les fascistes ont hurlé « on est chez nous », « la France au Français » et « morts aux juifs », comme signe de ralliement et de dispersion.
Cette attaque odieuse n’est pas un fait isolé. Près de 20 ans après l’incendie du précédent local de la Plume Noire par l’extrême-droite en 1997, elle s’inscrit dans la montée en puissance actuelle de l’extrême-droite et du fascisme, qui se traduit par une multiplication des agressions contre les minorités, des militantes et militants du mouvement syndical, féministe, antiraciste, LGBT et progressiste. [English] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / miscellaneous / feature Wednesday November 16, 2016 00:27 by Black Rose Anarchist Federation/Federación Anarquista Rosa N   text 3 comments (last - friday november 18, 2016 06:44)   image 1 image
A strategy to defend our communities and to challenge Trump begins with us, the exploited workers. Together we hold the solution to Trump and to the bigger problems of capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy. Some sections of the ruling classes may share our desire to get rid of Trump, but only so that they can put another capitalist in the White House and then have us go through this cycle of crisis all over again. While we may end up marching with these people in the streets for the next four years, we know that our allies are those who also work to build the independent power of the exploited classes, not those who want us to pin our hopes on political candidates.
We must push for greater unity of working-class social movements. We need to reach out to others who are doing organizing in our areas and talk to them about working together. We should push for social movement organizations that we are part of – like labor unions, Black Lives Matter chapters, immigrant rights organizations – to organize city-wide summits to plan how to support each other and how to coordinate opposition to Trump. Between now and January 20th, we should organize as much national discussion and coordination between social movements and revolutionary organizations as possible. We should plan for mass protests on Trump’s inauguration day, and we should see these protests as organizing tools to continue building unity and to draw people into the day-to-day organizing in our communities where we will really be building the long-term power that we need to be a threat to the state.

Also read Trumpazo al establecimiento en EEUU: la lucha de clases y el magnate excéntrico José Antonio Gutiérrez D. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / indigenous struggles / feature Friday November 04, 2016 14:04 by Wayne Price   text 1 comment (last - saturday november 05, 2016 11:45)   image 1 image
The Standing Rock Sioux in the U.S. have been fighting against the construction of a major gas pipeline which would threaten their water supply and violate their sacred sites. They have organized popular direct action against the construction company and the state and inspired people throughout the country and the world. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / editoriale Wednesday November 02, 2016 15:26 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA   text 3 comments (last - sunday november 06, 2016 22:01)   image 1 image
In questi 30 anni AL/fdca ha cercato costantemente di agire e proporsi come organizzazione politica coesa e responsabile i/le cui militanti siano parte naturale degli organismi di massa, del sindacato, dei movimenti, dello sperimentare alternative possibili per essere al loro interno volano ed orientamento delle idee, organizzatori dal basso della forza collettiva di lotta e della solidarietà, per contribuire allo sviluppo e radicamento dei movimenti sociali contro la guerra ed il militarismo, contro il liberismo, contro lo sfruttamento e la mercificazione di persone e risorse, contro il razzismo e la riduzione in schiavitù di donne e uomini, contro le discriminazioni sessiste ed il patriarcato, portandovi prassi e contenuti a carattere anticapitalistico, antiautoritario ed antifascista.
Per contribuire alla costruzione di un fronte sociale delle forze di opposizione e rivendicative che sappia accumulare capacità di lotta, di contropotere e di progettualità edificatrice dell'alternativa libertaria. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género / portada Sunday October 30, 2016 18:03 by Melissa Sepúlveda   text 1 comment (last - tuesday november 01, 2016 04:54)   image 1 image
Estas últimas semanas, las redes sociales se han llenado de rabia y frustración al hacerse evidente, una vez más, lo que ocurre hace muchísimo tiempo: tortura, violaciones y asesinatos de mujeres, por el solo hecho de ser mujeres. Van y vienen comentarios en todas direcciones. Reacciones organizadas por parte de mujeres en todo el mundo convocan a marchas, concentraciones y actividades bajo la consigna “Ni Una Menos”. Y también, por el otro lado, han surgido reacciones viscerales de hombres que, queriendo jugar al empate, levantan la consigna absurda de “nadie menos”, evidenciando que no es tan fácil, ni si quiera cuando hablamos del asesinato de mujeres, que “ellos” abandonen sus privilegios de dominación. Hoy es cada vez más claro que esta guerra silenciosa es una cuestión de vida o muerte, y la reflexión es la primera herramienta que tenemos para combatir esta extensa historia de dominación patriarcal.

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Solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes des violences policières ! Non à la loi « Sécurité Publique » !

Solidaridad y Defensa de las Comunidades Frente al Avance del Paramilitarismo en el Cauca

A Conservative Threat Offers New Opportunities for Working Class Feminism

De las colectivizaciones al 15M: 80 años de lucha por la autogestión en España

False hope, broken promises: Obama’s belligerent legacy

Primer encuentro feminista Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria

Devrimci Anarşist Tutsak Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları Açlık Grevinin 39 Gününde

The Fall of Aleppo

Italia - Ricostruire opposizione sociale organizzata dal basso. Costruire un progetto collettivo per l’alternativa libertaria.

Recordando a César Roa, luchador de la caña

Prison Sentence to Managing Editor of Anarchist Meydan Newspaper in Turkey

Liberación de la Uma Kiwe, autonomía y territorio: una mirada libertaria para la comprensión de la lucha nasa

Misunderstanding syndicalism

American Anarchist and Wobbly killed by Turkey while fighting ISIS in Rojava

Devlet Tecavüzdür

Attaque fasciste sur la Croix Rousse et contre la librairie libertaire la Plume Noire

Red November, Black November – An Anarchist Response to the Election

Resistance at Standing Rock

1986-2016: 30° anniversario di Alternativa Libertaria/fdca

El feminismo es cuestión de vida o muerte

International Campaign for the Freedom of Rafael Braga/Campaña Internacional por la Libertad de Rafael Braga

Sou Siklonn Matyou

¡Contra el machismo dominante Anarquismo Militante!

[Colombia] El NO se impuso, ¿qué sigue?

Sun 05 Mar, 12:02

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foto1_copy.jpg imageFora U G7 19:06 Fri 03 Mar by Alternativa Libertaria/fdca 0 comments

Sabato 25 e domenica 26 febbraio si è tenuta a Palermo l'Assemblea Internazionale "FORA U G7" per organizzare le iniziative contro il G7 di Taormina del 26 e 27 maggio prossimi. Il 26 maggio giungeranno a Taormina i capi di governo di Italia, Francia, Germania, UK, Giappone, Canada, USA e sarà la prima uscita europea di Trump.

lamia2.jpg image"Κορκονέας" Κορκονέ&... 15:04 Thu 02 Mar by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία 0 comments

Την απονομή του δικαίου δεν μπορεί να την κάνει ο θύτης. Το κράτος και η αστυνομία δεν μπορούν να κρυφτούν πίσω από έναν "καμένο χαρτί" εντολοδόχο τους. Είναι η ίδια η φύση αυτής της δίκης που εμείς οφείλουμε να αμφισβητήσουμε. Ο Κορκονέας είναι ένοχος για όλους εμάς, είναι ένοχος με το δίκαιο της ταξικής μας θέσης. Το κράτος είναι ένοχο μέσω αυτού. Το κράτος, όμως, δικάζεται και καταδικάζεται μόνο στους δρόμους.

hammerswastika.png imageCorreggio antifascista 19:13 Wed 01 Mar by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Correggio si impegna a vigilare perché sul proprio territorio la bestia scacciata più di settant'anni fa non osi più mettere piede

a9268db448.jpg imageOTTO MARZO SCIOPERO INTERNAZIONALE DELLE DONNE 18:48 Wed 01 Mar by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

La storia dell’8 marzo nel Novecento è quella di manifestazioni e scioperi. Anche dopo la sua consacrazione istituzionale questo giorno rimane quello della lotta femminista internazionale per una società in cui vivere libere da oppressioni patriarcali e capitaliste.

72foto1.jpg imageStop the persecution against the women cleaners 14:33 Tue 28 Feb by Initiative for the vindication of the struggling women clean 0 comments

On March 13 is put on trial the cleaner Vaso Gova after a complaint of a police officer. The same policeman is already on trial for serious injuries against two women cleaners Evangelia Alexakis and Vaso Gova attacked on July 10, 2014 during a peaceful protest of  fired cleaners to the Ministry of Finance.

textIRIS, i suoi primi 40 anni 03:21 Tue 28 Feb by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Dalla fine degli anni settanta, un gruppo di braccianti, manovali e artigiani, in maggioranza donne, ridà senso alla parola cooperazione. "Fanno cose rivoluzionarie tenendo fermi i propri valori fondativi: produzioni biologiche, proprietà collettiva , partecipazione, prassi libertarie e relazioni di economia solidale".

16804025_1345491685528382_8659638798479109849_o.jpg imageEl pueblo bielorruso marcha contra la “Ley de impuestos para parásitos sociales” 19:37 Fri 24 Feb by Demián Revart 0 comments

El 17 de febrero de 2017, alrededor de 2000 personas se dieron cita en un encuentro en la ciudad de Minsk –sin trabas de persecución o ilegalidad- para discutir ciertos ejes de lucha contra la “Ley de impuestos para parásitos sociales”.

16996348_1101451536631678_1627039852747632571_n.jpg imagePronunciamiento de solidaridad con Standing Rock desde México 19:21 Fri 24 Feb by Ruptura Coleciva (RC) 0 comments

La parte del Planeta que llamamos México, permanecemos en pie de lucha junto a Standing Rock / The part of the Planet we call Mexico stands with Standing Rock

airportprotests.jpg imageΓια μια ενωτική, εργ... 15:59 Fri 24 Feb by Αναρχική Συμμαχία “1 Μάη” 0 comments

Μετάφραση κειμένου των συντρόφων της αναρχικής συμμαχίας 1 Μάη από την άλλη μεριά του Ατλαντικού σχετικά με τα πρόσφατα γεγονότα στις ΗΠΑ, την απαγόρευση εισόδου στα αεροδρόμια, τις φασιστικές επιθέσεις και τις κοινωνικές/ταξικές απαντήσεις.

chiapasoventicmaizewoman.jpg imagevideoLa Resistencia del Maíz 00:35 Fri 24 Feb by CEP-Enraizando 0 comments

El proceso de lucha a sido largo y difícil, con constantes intentos de desalojo, violencia desmedida por la fuerza publica que utiliza armas de fuego contra las comunidades y el asesinato de Lorenzo Largo el 29 de noviembre del 2007, y del joven Guillermo Pavi el 10 de abril del 2015, ambos asesinados por agentes del ESMAD. "La resistencia del maíz" recoge los acontecimientos vividos por las comunidades en el ultimo intento de desalojo realizado el 14 de octubre del 2016, en donde fueron destruidos los asentamientos y los cultivos de maíz de las comunidades, pero se registra también el proceso de lucha y resistencia, la reconstrucción de los asentamientos y la realización de nuevos cultivos de maíz que, además de presentarse como una alternativa a la crisis alimentaria para las comunidades, su cosecha es una victoria del movimiento indígena que continua haciendo uso y posesión de las tierras.

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imageEl asedio a Xerabê Bava: la invasión turca al Kurdistán Mar 03 by Alejandro Azadî 0 comments

Pese al brutal asedio a Xerabe Bava y el intento del islamofascista de Erdogan en destruir la resistencia kurda, venceremos! Y con todo el dolor del alma, ante la barbarie y el negacionismo internacional, se otorgará hasta la última gota de sangre revolucionaria: en Xerabe Bava, en Cizre o Sirnak, el pueblo kurdo sabrá oponerse a las horas duras de guerra total declaradas por el Estado turco.

imageErdogan: un discípulo fascista Mar 01 by Alejandro Azadî 0 comments

El próximo 16 de Abril en Turquía abra elecciones parlamentarias: los que quieran una dictadura absolutista votaran por el SI los que rechazan al gobierno de Erdogan votaran por el NO. Sea como fuere, todo indicaría un golpe de Estado. Ya sea con Erdogan en el poder, o sin Erdogan en el poder, la maquinaria fascista se perfecciona. El segregacionista nacionalista ha comenzado por Kurdistan - Bakur.

imageAnarchist Lens: The Green Experiment Feb 28 by Kevin Doyle 0 comments

In this post, Anarchist Lens returns to the subject of electoral politics and how it demobilises the struggle for change. The example of the German Greens is examined. In the late 70s, Die Grünen (The Greens) emerged as a new force on the German and European left. Radical and activist led, they claimed to be aware of the pitfalls of the electoral process and were, in their own words, an ‘anti-party party’. Yet, in less than twenty years, they had capitulated on all their key principles: tolerating nuclear power, rubber-stamping German participation in NATO and even agreeing to capitalist-friendly market reforms. How did this transformation come about?

imageA 80 años de Jarama, recordando al internacionalista irlandés Charlie Donnelly Feb 28 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

El 27 de Febrero, Donnelly participa en un ataque frontal hacia las posiciones fascistas en el Cerro Pingarrón, donde, según él mismo dijo, “hasta los olivos sangran”: ahí fue alcanzado tres veces por el fuego enemigo. Su cuerpo, recuperado por su camarada Peter O’Connor, terminó en una fosa común de combatientes republicanos internacionalistas.

image“No es solo sembrar semilla, es sembrar pensamiento”, en memoria de Augusto Tyhuasuza Feb 27 by Steven Crux 0 comments

En Julio de 2014, cerca de su casa en Facatativá y con escasos 42 años, fue ultimado con varios disparos por la espalda Augusto Tyhuasuza, indígena muisca y activista social de los municipios de la sabana de Bogotá, territorio ancestral y que ha sufrido los grandes estragos de un modelo metropolitano de miseria, que desplaza las oportunidades y ordena los privilegios del centro hacia afuera.

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image"Κορκονέας" Κορκονέ&... Mar 02 0 comments

Την απονομή του δικαίου δεν μπορεί να την κάνει ο θύτης. Το κράτος και η αστυνομία δεν μπορούν να κρυφτούν πίσω από έναν "καμένο χαρτί" εντολοδόχο τους. Είναι η ίδια η φύση αυτής της δίκης που εμείς οφείλουμε να αμφισβητήσουμε. Ο Κορκονέας είναι ένοχος για όλους εμάς, είναι ένοχος με το δίκαιο της ταξικής μας θέσης. Το κράτος είναι ένοχο μέσω αυτού. Το κράτος, όμως, δικάζεται και καταδικάζεται μόνο στους δρόμους.

imageCorreggio antifascista Mar 01 sezione di Correggio 0 comments

Correggio si impegna a vigilare perché sul proprio territorio la bestia scacciata più di settant'anni fa non osi più mettere piede


La storia dell’8 marzo nel Novecento è quella di manifestazioni e scioperi. Anche dopo la sua consacrazione istituzionale questo giorno rimane quello della lotta femminista internazionale per una società in cui vivere libere da oppressioni patriarcali e capitaliste.

imageStop the persecution against the women cleaners Feb 28 0 comments

On March 13 is put on trial the cleaner Vaso Gova after a complaint of a police officer. The same policeman is already on trial for serious injuries against two women cleaners Evangelia Alexakis and Vaso Gova attacked on July 10, 2014 during a peaceful protest of  fired cleaners to the Ministry of Finance.

textIRIS, i suoi primi 40 anni Feb 28 federazione cremonese 0 comments

Dalla fine degli anni settanta, un gruppo di braccianti, manovali e artigiani, in maggioranza donne, ridà senso alla parola cooperazione. "Fanno cose rivoluzionarie tenendo fermi i propri valori fondativi: produzioni biologiche, proprietà collettiva , partecipazione, prassi libertarie e relazioni di economia solidale".

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