Muhammad Faysal ریشیसत्यापित खाता


Born in a curfew. Heard bullets for Mozart. Ran for my life not medals. Kashmiri. Zen. Blogger. Diplomacy. Does cool stuff and

Srinagar Kashmir | Mirabella
मार्च 2009 पर शामिल हुए

@_Faysal अवरुद्ध है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @_Faysal अनवरोधित नहीं होंगे.

  1. पिन किया हुआ ट्वीट

    I have always had difficulty to write about the city I love, here I try to write wounds without the trace of blood.

  2. के जवाब में

    It made me realise that history is not just a text, it's everything about my identity as a Kashmiri

  3. Share of wealth held by top 1% Russia: 74.5% India: 58.4% Indonesia: 49% Brazil: 48% China: 43.8% US: 42% Mexico: 38% (Credit Suisse)

  4. "There is no free freedom"

  5. Poll shows people across world think their lives are getting worse & want a strong leader to fix it via

  6. The search for has been suspended. Joint statement from Malaysian, Australian, and Chinese authorities.

  7. Woke Empire update: MLK edition

  8. Acts of Annihilation | On sexual violence & genocide. via

  9. Indian right-wing trolls can't get the name right. And there are people who expect them to understand the sensitivity of Kashmir. Lol.

  10. No harm. Until it's projected as a show of "Indian democracy and development" while Kashmir is getting screwed by the government every day.

  11. Because hating Kashmiris is an exercise of a virulent Indian nationalism.

  12. Zaira said let's not blow her opinion out of proportion. Instead of respecting that, Indian media rushed to her house. All this for TRPs.

  13. But one issue that they can spin to demonise Kashmir into Jihadist monsters, they are at the forefront.

  14. There are scores of minors in jails, in the current regime of Mehbooba. Media pays no attention to mobilise opinion to free them.

  15. Kashmir loves these success stories. But politicians only use them for their own cunning image projection.

  16. The fact is these individuals worked their sweat off to achieve what they have. Mehbooba only stepped in to appropriate limelight.

  17. Irony is that Mehbooba refuses to even take responsibility for the mass killings, blaming it on Pak, Hurriyat, Health Dept, earth, water etc

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    शायद आपको यह भी पसंद आए
