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Drones are revolutionising the way the RAAF fights war

Of the 16 Orion surveillance planes in the RAAF's fleet, there are two they do not talk about.

These special Orions are effectively flying electronic spies, with state-of-the-art, intelligence-gathering equipment allowing them to hoover up electronic signals from other planes and ships as they  quietly perform routine patrols over the waters to Australia's north.

All the Orions are being retired over the next few years and will be replaced by Poseidon aircraft and Triton drones – even more powerful aircraft with even greater spying abilities.

Australia intends to buy seven Northrop Grumman-made Triton drones that have a wingspan greater than a 737 and can stay aloft for more than 24 hours while covering 40,000 square kilometres. The drones' cutting-edge signals intelligence gathering antennae will give the RAAF vastly superior data collection abilities compared with other military forces in Asia.

It is part of a RAAF revolution, one in which the most decisive battle is in the electromagnetic sphere and in which being able to see everything while blocking the other side's eyes and ears is the difference between winning and being killed.

This revolution is bringing to Australia not just the Joint Strike Fighter – which made its heralded debut in Australia on Friday – but also the Growler radar-jamming fighter, the Tritons and the armed Reaper drone or some equivalent.


To understand how profound the change is going to be, it's necessary to stop thinking about individual planes and instead imagine them in a network with each other, with satellites, ships, ground radar stations and other allied forces.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute's Malcolm Davis describes an imagined future scenario in which Australian air combat forces confront Chinese fighter planes, surface-to-air missiles based on artificial islands, and ships.

The Australian group would be made up of four Joint Strike Fighters and a Growler – which flies some distance off from the JSFs so as not to undermine stealth capabilities – backed up by an aerial refueller and a Wedgetail command and control plane, a kind of battle mothership that directs everything else. On the sea below is an Australian navy Air Warfare Destroyer.

The battle will be all about who can stay hidden for long enough to get in close to deliver the lethal blow.

The Australians do this by using the combination of their networked radar systems to precisely target the Chinese threat, while using the Growler to jam the Chinese planes' own radar sensors.

Within this frantic move and countermove taking place over minutes and seconds, the jamming, hiding, searching and finding is constantly shifting back and forth. When the Chinese are jammed, they can shift the frequency of their radar and try to free up their eyes on another wavelength.

"It is really a battle of frequencies. It is a battle in the electromagnetic spectrum between their jamming systems, our jamming systems and so forth," Davis says.

Traditionally, jamming has been a function of brute power – an enemy's radar can be neutered by blasting it with a more powerful radar. But newer techniques are more sophisticated: for instance, overloading the enemy sensors so that they are not just blinded but confused or even actively misled – though these capabilities cross into the classified realm that sources who spoke to Fairfax Media declined to discuss.

Dan Gillian, vice-president for the Growler at Boeing, the prime manufacturer of the Growler, said that stealth – the sleek shape and special coating of a plane like the JSF – only renders the plane hard to see to certain parts of the radar spectrum.

"That is where the Growler comes in. It is the only full-spectrum jamming system in the world, which is why platforms such as the [JSF] need a Growler to be fully effective."

Indeed one international visitor to the Avalon Airshow this week described a Russian senior military officer gleefully saying in London that the JSF was "not as safe as you think" based on its stealth alone.

The technology race is a constant process of leapfrogging the other side. Defence Minister Marise Payne announced this week at Victoria's Avalon that Australia would put $250 million into partnering with the US to develop "next generation jamming".

Davis said that one evolution on the horizon was the merging of jamming with cyberwarfare, so that a future Growler could fire in effect a hack attack – the virus coded into the energy beam – at an enemy plane or ship, crashing or even commandeering its systems.

This is the kind of environment in which the JSF will operate – a network in which it plays the role of "quarterback", the co-ordinating brains and strategic playmaker of an American football, as the US head of the JSF program, Lieutenant-General Chris Bogdan, put it. This, Bogdan suggests, is the point many of the plane's critics have failed to grasp.

Sir Glenn Torpy, a recent chief of the British Royal Air Force who is now senior military adviser to BAE Systems which makes about 15 per cent of the JSF, similarly says that the whole philosophy of modernisation is to have your planes, ships and land forces sharing information and working together.

"Aircraft rarely work in isolation and that is one of the great strengths that we're seeing coming through with 'fifth generation' platforms such as the [JSF] … They are hopefully part of complete network and that's what we've all been striving for."

Australian forces in Davis' imagined scenario would already have the measure of their enemy because the RAAF's Triton drones, in concert with P-8 Poseidon manned surveillance planes, would over months and years have gathered enough signals intelligence to have a fair picture of what the other side's systems are capable of.

Defence's integrated investment plan from last year also includes the purchase of five Gulfstream 550 electronic warfare aircraft. Defence is coy about their purpose, but signals intelligence gathering is a likely role.

The Triton will be able to fly a lap of the South China Sea by taking off from Tindall base in the Northern Territory and two laps if it takes off from Butterworth base in Malaysia.

During a recent visit by Australian journalists to Northrop Grumman's facility in Palmdale, California, Triton program manager Mike Mackey said of the drone's signals intelligence capability: "We are in a maritime environment. We're also able to work in the littoral [coastal] environment as well and have some view inland which would create information-gathering opportunities for us and we can do that through several spectrums."

The US Navy plans to operate its own fleet of 68 Tritons around five global regions or "orbits". Australia as a close ally that will operate Tritons could form an effective sixth orbit covering the seas around it.

This week at the Avalon Airshow, Flight Officer Jon Hall, a tactical co-ordination officer on a RAAF Orion, said the major shortcoming of the older plane is that it can't send data live back to the Joint Operations Centre outside Canberra – the military operations nerve centre. Rather it has to land and then send the information back.

Tritons and Poseidons will be able to pipe large amounts of real-time data back to the decision-makers at home as well as to other Australian and allied forces.

Drones indeed are very much the other major plank of RAAF's modernisation. As former Chief of the Defence Force Sir Angus Houston told Fairfax Media this week, JSFs could be the last manned fighter plane Australia buys.

"I think the JSF will be around for a long time to come, but I think beyond the JSF it's quite possible ... that we could have air combat aircraft that are unmanned."

Northrop Grumman has already successfully landed its muscular, manta-ray lookalike X-47B combat drone on an aircraft carrier – no mean feat.

The coming Air Warfare Destroyers meanwhile are expected to fly drone helicopters from their decks. And soldiers – in particular special operations forces – will likely "team" with various kinds of drones both for surveillance and strike. Sir Angus points out that the US Army is headed towards using manned attack helicopters that are teamed with swarms of drones.

Much of this revolution is already happening and won't take a high-end war against a major power to bring it to fruition.

As well as jamming sophisticated military radars, the Growler can fly over a city during a counter-insurgency operation and jam telecommunication signals to stop mobile phones being used to detonate improvised explosive devices. The Reaper, despite the concerns it has generated about civilian casualties, can according to its defenders strike with remarkable precision because it can persistently hover for a day over a target studying the way life goes on beneath it, so that when it strikes it has a better idea of what it is going to hit.

The sheer endurance of drones and the advantages this brings is one reason why the ADF has committed to buying Reapers or something like them. This can always be undone by remarkably primitive means. Hubris about the omniscience of the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State is quickly punctured by something as simple as insurgents placing canopies between buildings in Mosul, blinding pilots as to whether fighters or civilians are underneath.

Still, there are reasons to hope that the more warfare becomes a technology battle – especially if it is carried out by drones and robots – the less human bodies are used as cannon fodder.

Fairfax Media travelled to the United States as a guest of Northrop Grumman as part of the reporting for this story.

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