

The Trump administration's Russian fixation goes back a long way

Washington: There's a real danger zone. It's right there, right between that which Donald Trump says he knows, and what he claims to not know; between those who say they know him – but of whom the realtor-turned-president claims no knowledge.

Let's start with Vladimir Putin.

In Moscow, during the Miss Universe pageant in 2013, an MSNBC reporter asked Trump about the Russian President – "I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today".

In Washington, where Trump spoke at the National Press Club six months later, he recalled: "I spoke indirectly and directly with President Putin, who could not have been nicer".

Then at a conservative political conference in Washington early in 2014, Trump boasted of the depth of his Putin connection – "I spoke to all his people"; and of the deep-pocketed, well-connected company he kept in Moscow – "Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room," Trump bragged, in an interview with Real Estate Weekly, of a post-pageant bash at a glitzy Moscow nightclub.

And as late as November 2015, Trump said in an early campaign debate "I got to know [Putin] very well because we were both on 60 Minutes ..."


Yet, within months, these fond memories evaporate.

Campaigning in 2016, Trump claimed: "I never met Putin, I don't know who Putin is". At another time in the campaign, he tweeted: "[I have] nothing to do with Russia".

But back in 2008, Trump's son Donald Jnr celebrated what he depicted as a massive infusion of Russian capital into the Trump Organisation.

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo [Manhattan] and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia," he cheerfully told a New York real estate conference, boasting as he did of half-a-dozen trips to Moscow over 18 months.

Two days after Trump's stunning election win in November 2016, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Interfax news agency there had been contact with Trump's "immediate entourage" throughout the campaign.

"I cannot say that all, but a number of them maintained contacts with Russian representatives," he said.

It seems we have the same kind of people on both sides - in the Kremlin and in the White House.

Andrei Kozyrev, former Russian foreign minister

One of them was Michael Flynn, the ex-US military intelligence chief who came across during the campaign as a slightly crazed Trump surrogate, but a loyal confidante who was rewarded with an appointment as the new President's National Security Adviser. And who Russia's ambassador to Washington later confirmed, had been calling him through the campaign and during the transition between presidencies.

Flynn was revealed to have lied about the content of some of those calls when, as an ordinary citizen, he was counselling Moscow on how to respond to sanctions imposed by the outgoing Obama administration. For that Flynn was forced to resign, after just weeks in the job at the pinnacle of US national security.

As Flynn packed up his office, Trump issued what sounded like his own, all-purpose denial. Seemingly oblivious to why Flynn had been so rudely evicted from the West Wing, Trump told reporters: "Nobody that I know of [has been in contact with Russia] ... I have nothing to do with Russia. Haven't made a phone call to Russia in years. Don't speak to people from Russia."

But, but, but ...

Former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, an early breakaway from the GOP establishment whose loyalty to Trump during the election campaign was rewarded with a plum appointment as Attorney-General, suddenly is, at time of writing, under pressure to resign – because when asked pointedly and under oath during his confirmation hearing, Sessions failed to disclose that he met twice with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the course of the campaign.

Flynn and Sessions appear to have perjured themselves in what amounts to a cover-up and Trump's Chief of Staff Reince Priebus is accused of pressuring the FBI to do his dirty work in "knocking down" a sensational New York Times report on an inordinate level of communications between the Trump campaign and Moscow. All this shows signs of eroding Republican resistance to Democratic Party demands for the appointment of an independent, Watergate-style special prosecutor.

The administration was back in damage-control mode on Thursday, with a somewhat chastened Sessions announcing his first major decision as the country's top law officer: he would recuse himself from any deliberation by the Justice Department or the FBI on the Trump-Russia investigations.

In considering the way forward, Republican minds will be focused by a Thursday report in the Times.

A joke by Clinton staffers vacating the White House for George W Bush was to prise the "W" from computer keyboards. But the parting gift from the Obama bunch, as revealed by the Times, is no laughing matter – they have left an evidentiary time bomb on a crisis that so threatens the Trump administration that it deserves to be called Russiagate.

And to guard against attempts to destroy the information, the Obama officials have deliberately spread the evidence across Congress, government and agencies – as well as flagging it for discovery by the right people.

Republicans might have breathed a sign of relief on the apparent quashing of a claim, in a 35-page document that came to be known as "the dodgy dossier", that Trump's personal lawyer had met Kremlin officials in Prague in August 2016. But the charge is back, with specific references in the Times story of reports in the "time bomb" from British, Dutch and other intelligence agencies of meetings in Europe between Russian government officials and others close to Putin and Trump associates.

As Trump's ceremonial inauguration unfolded on January 20, an unprecedented joint taskforce drawn from the CIA, FBI, NSA and the financial crimes unit of the Treasury Department, was investigating the legitimacy of his presidency, following money trails and sifting a mountain of intercepted communications from last year.

Americans find themselves at an overlapping intersection. Despite Moscow's best efforts, Hillary Clinton lost the presidency because she was a bad candidate who ran a bad campaign. But in a climate of anti-establishment voter anger and the effortless execution of the Russian hack, there's a sense of ripeness for attempted manipulation by the likes of Putin, which prompts questions about the resilience of their democracy.

Interviewed by The New Yorker magazine, Celeste Wallander, who advised President Barrack Obama on Russia, asks: "Will Putin expose the failings of American democracy or will he inadvertently expose the strength of American democracy?"

It's too early to write off the Trump White House, but the pillars are shaking.

Cold War aftermath

Libraries groan under the weight of books on the conduct of the Cold War and its aftermath. What we need to know here is that despite appearances, the contest between Moscow and Washington didn't really end with the 1989 collapse of the Berlin Wall – and that relations were probably at a post-1989 low in the twilight of the Obama administration.

Obama was dismissive, even contemptuous of Putin; the Russian President loathed his US counterpart. Washington had slapped sanctions on Moscow for its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and they were gridlocked on Syria; and for Putin, the thought that Hillary Clinton might replace Obama was nauseating – apart from his personal dislike for her, Putin saw her as guilty by association with her husband, former president Bill Clinton, for his role in expanding NATO eastward towards Russia's borders in the 1990s.

Putin surrounds himself with intelligence agents. In the way of the modern autocrat, he has taken to democracy with a scalpel rather than a bulldozer. The media is in his thrall; dozens of reporters have been murdered and dissenters get sidelined across society.

Still, it's a corner of the world in which Trump has long wanted to see his name on the skyline. Several attempts in Moscow have failed to get off the ground and he's also pitched proposals in Kiev, the Ukraine capital, and what is now disputed Yalta, in Crimea; and in Warsaw, Poland.

Putin and Trump rarely use a computer and they both complained bitterly on being satirised upon taking high office. They share other traits – the willingness to attack opponents; promises to return to a gilded past; stoking public fears and manipulating the media. But Putin remains cold and calculating, compared to Trump's girlish giddiness towards Putin; and while Trump has become something of an apologist for Putin's excesses, Putin never returns that compliment.

Before Trump travelled to Moscow in 2013, for the Miss Universe pageant, he sounded like a lovesick teenager, wondering aloud in a tweet if he might get to meet Putin and, "if so, will he become my new best friend?" Which surely must have prompted Putin to rouse his intelligence dirty-tricks unit – "got a live one here, boys".

Trump's Russia obsession is never explained, though there is logic in a frequent outline that as American banks soured on lending to him because of his bankruptcies and because he was a difficult client, Trump was obliged to turn elsewhere for funds, and where better than the former Soviet Union where an orgy of privatisation had transferred massive public funds to the ledgers of a band of government approved bandits - the so-called oligarchs.

At times Trump seems besotted by Putin. How else to explain his wild response on hearing that US intelligence believed Moscow was behind the Democrat hacking? He stared down the barrel of the TV cameras and pleaded with Moscow to hack into Clinton's controversial private email server, "to find the 30,000 emails that are missing". And how else to explain his agents intervention to rewrite the GOP platform on Ukraine, making it softer on Moscow; and his contempt for NATO, without a seeming thought for European and global security?

And when it became clear that Moscow would follow Flynn's advice in holding off on an immediate response to the Obama sanctions, which were a punishment for interfering in the US election, Trump, the child-like diplomat, tweeted: "Great move on delay (by V. Putin). I always knew he was very smart".

But it wasn't that smart, because the unprecedented non-response by Moscow to the expulsion of 35 of its US-based "diplomats" drove the US intelligence agencies to check their stockpile of intercepts from the ambassador's phone to see who he had been talking to – and on coming upon Flynn's handiwork, they knew he had lied and so had left himself open to Russian blackmail.

But why would Trump make himself look like a goose, first by stubbornly refusing to accept that Moscow was behind the hacking, only to fold in meek acceptance after weeks of denial; and why run a contradictory argument when attacking the news media? Their reports were "fake", but at the same time they were based on leaked and genuine classified information?

In copious reporting and analysis in the US and from Moscow, the contours of a Putin rationale are emerging – he did not expect to tip the election, but he can create instability and uncertainty. And given the bumpy, chaotic start to the new administration, he can mess with Trump's head – as exemplified by this remark to The New York Times by Professor Valeriy Solovey of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations: "The overwhelming view of the Kremlin is that Trump is not very strong – he might have sympathy toward Russia, but he is contained within the political establishment".

In the same vein, why would the Moscow hackers have left sufficient fingerprints to allow US agencies to declare with such certainty that the hacking was the work of the Russians? There are two arguments – one, because this was so personal for Putin, he wanted Obama and Clinton to know that he's been rummaging in their files; and two, and more importantly, as an exercise in disruption and destabilisation, the cyber attack was the more powerful if Americans were aware of its Russian origin.

The information that is emerging suggests many months, maybe years of investigative work.

Flynn was hugger-mugger with the Russians – they paid him a reported $US40,000 ($52,000) fee to appear at the Kremlin-funded Russia Today's 10th anniversary bash – and sat him next to Putin.

But it beggars belief that, as claimed by Trump insiders, Flynn had gone rogue in communications with the Russians. Given Trump's obsession with Russia, it's impossible to believe that Flynn would have opened a channel to the embassy without a nod from Trump.

This conclusion is the more likely because Trump seemingly was not surprised when told not only of Flynn's phone calls but of his lies about them too. And Trump was so not shocked that he sat on the information for a couple of weeks, acting only when it leaked to reporters.

The same applies to a Paris speaking engagement at a Moscow-backed think tank, for which Donald Trump Jnr was paid a reported $US50,000. The same think thank that had nominated Putin for a Nobel peace prize. Was the young Donald so naive that he didn't run that past his micromanaging father?

Had he been informed, Trump likely would not have cared. That's because, despite all his denials, he has accumulated, as described by The American Interest, his own web "of direct and indirect connections, with a far-flung private Russian/FSU [former Soviet Union] network of outright mobsters, oligarchs, fraudsters, and kleptocrats".

A working assumption by Moscow observers is that such people thrive only at the blessing of Putin – which is to say that if Trump is connected to them, he likely is connected to Putin. None of that gave Trump cause to pause before doing business with them or roping their associates into his campaign and, more recently, his administration.

An early casualty was Paul Manafort, the campaign manager Trump sacked when it became known that he was under investigation, reportedly for receiving millions of dollars from pro-Putin cronies in Ukraine and Russia. More recently Manafort appears to have been the target of an attempted blackmail over his activities in Ukraine.

Then there was the mysterious Carter Page, who Trump introduced as an adviser on foreign policy, who had business ties to Russia's state-owned energy conglomerate Gazprom.

Trump insists he flicked Flynn for lying, not for his communications with the Russians. And still warming his seat in his new government suite is Secretary of State Rex Tillerson – a Putin friend from his days as CEO of ExxonMobil when he was doing multi-billion dollar development deals with Moscow.

A company called Bayrock Group LLC and the deals that emerged from Trump's relationship with its principals are cited as useful windows into this part of Trump's word. In one court case, Bayrock's core activities were described as "tax evasion and money laundering" with funding for Trump's big projects arriving "magically" from sources in Russia and Kazakhstan.

By one account, all that remains of Bayrock is a sheaf of lawsuits, but in 2007 it reportedly had as much as $US2 billion in Trump-branded deals on its drawing boards – which is where they remained, save for the 46-storey Trump SoHo condo-hotel in New York, in which Trump had an 18 per cent stake. It was foreclosed on in 2014; as was another in Florida.

Trump's key partners in Bayrock were Kazakhstani and Russian emigres – Tevfik Arif, who at one time had an office in Trump Tower; and Felix Sater, who was a big wheel in Bayrock and later a "senior adviser," who also worked from an office in Trump Tower.

Described as a prototypical Russian-American mobster, Sater had a string of racketeering convictions and was about to go down for money laundering when, in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, he bought his way out of jail by giving the CIA and the FBI information on the black market for Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

Sater bobbed up again in recent days, along with Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, as co-authors of a "peace-proposal" for the Ukraine crisis, which apparently had been vetted with Moscow, and which seemingly first would require Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko to be blackmailed out of office ahead of a vote on a long-term lease by Moscow of Crimea and the lifting of US sanctions on Russia. The plan went nowhere, in part because Flynn, its intended recipient, got the boot.

Despite a years-long relationship, while giving a legal deposition in 2013, Trump claimed he wouldn't know who Sater was if they were in the same room together.

Another such associate was the Russian-Canadian billionaire Alex Shnaider​, who joined Trump as a co-financier in the 70-storey Trump Tower and Hotel, Canada's tallest building. It opened in 2012 but struck trouble recently and is in foreclosure.

Sketching a web of oligarch and mob characters, The American Interest report concludes: "Donald Trump has also literally spent decades cultivating senior relationships of all kinds with Russia and the FSU. And public and private senior Russian figures of all kinds have likewise spent decades cultivating him, not only as a business partner, but as a 'useful idiot'."

Several investigations

There now are five congressional investigations of various aspects of the Trump/Russia crisis – though with control of both the House and the Senate, Republicans are narrowing the brief for some to a banal question on how information is leaking from the bureaucracy.

And despite early dismissals of aspects of the so-called dodgy dossier, it is gaining credibility. CNN reports that US investigators are still at work, but they have been able to verify some of its contents; the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth is reporting that US agents recently confided to their Israeli counterparts that Moscow had "leverages of pressure" to use against Trump; and The Washington Post is reporting that the FBI was sufficiently impressed with the record and reputation of the British author of the dodgy dossier that it offered to put him on the payroll to complete his work.

"They are continuing to chase down stuff from the dossier, and, at its core, a lot of it is bearing out," an intelligence official said of his colleagues' work.

Stunning in its breadth, the dossier claims that Trump's campaign knew as early as June that Russia was orchestrating a hacking operation to influence the election; that Moscow had been "cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump for at least five years" in an effort to sow "divisions in western alliance"; and that Russia had "compromised" Trump "sufficiently to be able to blackmail him".

The investigations are tracking funds which reportedly were channelled to the US from Moscow to pay hackers – and which were being laundered through a system by which pension payments are transmitted to Russian citizens living in the US. It might scoop up the amazing report, compiled by hacking experts, of an email server at Trump HQ in New York, which was communicating only with a Moscow bank – and which went silent when The New York Times started asking about its purpose.

Long list of questions

Hundreds of questions are being asked, but three are at the heart of these overlapping investigations: was there collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign to throw the presidential election; did the campaign or any Trump associates receive funding from Moscow or other Russian sources; and does Moscow hold compromising material, a "sex tape" as alleged in the dodgy dossier, by which Trump could be blackmailed – or already is?

All this Putin-Trump stuff causes confusion, especially for Andrei Kozyrev, foreign minister in the Russian government of the faltering Boris Yeltsin who now lives in Washington. He left Russia on concluding it had become increasingly authoritarian, a charge that he now feels he can level at the US.

"I am very concerned," he told The New Yorker magazine. "My fear is that this is probably the first time in my memory that it seems we have the same kind of people on both sides - in the Kremlin and in the White House. The same people. It's probably why they like each other. It's not a matter of policy, but it's that they feel that they are alike. They care less for democracy and values, and more for personal success, however that is defined."


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