Watch this stubborn toddler school her dad on counting to five

'Of course I know how to count to five dad!'
'Of course I know how to count to five dad!' Photo: @JukinVideo

We know toddlers can be a bit stubborn sometimes. My own daughter would argue till she was blue in the face.

In fact, she still maintains that the lyrics of Up Town Funk are "Up town funky wunk, uptown funky wunk." There's no persuading her.

The thing is, once a toddler makes up their mind about something, it's very hard to persuade them to change it. This means that a big part of parenting a toddler is arguing with them over the most ridiculous things.

Case in point: a video of an adorably stubborn toddler arguing with her dad over the correct way to count to five has gone viral. And we can all relate to the dad's frustration.

Little Aaliyah is convinced that "one, two, three, five," is the correct way to count to five. When her dad informs that, actually, it's "one, two, three, FOUR, five" she dismisses him as if he has just suggested the sky is purple.

The conversation goes on and on – each time her dad points out that you need a 'four' to get to 'five' she insists that he is wrong. And boy, does she have some conviction.

In the end, it is Aaliyah's mum who comes to the rescue by innocently asking her to count to 'four'.

The family all laugh it off this time, but we're sure that it wont be the last time the youngster shows her stubborn streak.