

Jeff Sessions revelations much more than 'witch hunt' claimed by Donald Trump

WashingtonAfter losing one high-profile appointee to the tumult over the Trump campaign's Russian connections, the US President was determined not to lose another.

And so it was that on Thursday Republicans circled the wagons around Attorney-General Jeff Sessions, but only after he bowed to advice from Justice Department ethics officers that he recuse himself from all his department's investigations of Russian interference in the 2016 election, particularly that by the FBI.

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Senate leader calls for Sessions to resign

US Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Attorney General Jeff Sessions misled Congress over his contacts with Russia's ambassador and he should resign.

Sessions got into trouble late on Wednesday when The Washington Post revealed that he had twice met Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the course of the campaign. The news clashed with his insistence during his confirmation hearing that he had had no such meeting.

With some prominent Republicans supporting Democratic calls for Sessions to recuse himself, Thursday might have become an ugly day for the administration. But Trump did two things – one of which he is usually good at, the other at which he's usually bad.

Despite his public claims that recusal​ by Sessions was unnecessary, he went against his instincts and agreed with Sessions stepping back, thereby denying Democrats the opportunity for a drawn-out fight which they would have won in the end.

The other response was to act on his sense of loyalty. Trump was bitter last week at the loss of his National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, after revelations he had lied about the substance of his phone conversations with the Russian envoy during the transition between presidencies.


Having shown one the door, there was no way that Trump would have given Democrats or the media that satisfaction again, and so soon.

Sessions played a vital role in Trump's presidential campaign. He was the first senator to endorse Trump as a presidential nominee, and through the campaign he mentored Trump and lent key staff for the challenging process of trying, as best they could, to recast Trump's gut reactions as policies that might be understood.

But being sprung for being economical with the truth reduced Sessions to being a bit Trump-like. His initial response was an angry denial, claiming in a statement that he had "never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign – I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false."

Sessions then quickly repositioned himself, resorting to a hair-splitting argument – he had met the ambassador in his role as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, not as an active member of Trump's campaign team and a vocal surrogate for the GOP candidate.

On Thursday, Sessions conceded the point, but still insisted on defending himself, claiming that his confirmation testimony was "honest and correct as I understood it at the time".

Further in his defence, Sessions revealed himself to be something of a delicate flower, claiming he had been "taken aback" by a straightforward question on how he might respond as attorney-general if he was informed that someone in the Trump campaign had been liaising with the Russians.

"It struck me very hard, and that's what I focused my answer on," he said. "In retrospect, I should have slowed down and said I did meet one Russian official a couple times, and that would be the ambassador."

Trump left town, to use an aircraft carrier docked at Newport News, in Virginia, as a photo backdrop as he pushed his proposal for a $US54 billion ($71.4 billion) hike in defence spending – and in that he kept his comments on the Sessions business brief.

Trump claimed he had "total" confidence in Sessions. Claiming to have been unaware of Sessions' meetings with the ambassador, the President insisted nonetheless, that Sessions' confirmation testimony had "probably" been truthful – and what do you know, no, Trump did not believe that Sessions needed to recuse himself. 

But later Trump too modified his position, arguing in a statement: "Jeff Sessions is an honest man. He did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentional."

Then he put the boot into the Democrats, accusing them of "overplaying their hand" in going after Sessions in what he described as a "total witchhunt".

That's not fair on witches. The whole Russia mess is a real story of the investigation of foreign interference in the conduct of the US presidential election and possible collusion by some in Trump's campaign.

And how do we know that? We know it because of all the "fake" news reports that are based on leaked classified information – which Trump complains about too.


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