A quick quiz to check whether you know what Coalition, Labor and Greens voters think

Updated June 30, 2016 13:56:12

A quick quiz to test whether you know what [Coalition/Labor/Greens] voters think

Can you guess where Coalition, Labor and Greens voters stand on key election issues? Warning: it's hard.

We have analysed Australians' responses to Vote Compass to understand the differences between people who intend to vote for the Coalition, Labor and the Greens.

Take our quiz to see whether you understand what L/NP, ALP and GRN voters think.

Use Vote Compass to find out how your views compare to the political parties' policies.

Note for ABC mobile app users: you can take the quiz over on our mobile website; don't miss it — it's fun.

Topics: federal-elections, federal-government, federal-parliament, australia

First posted June 30, 2016 11:09:01