
Women investors share their success stories

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We've all seen with those images of testosterone-charged Wall Street trading floors. Put those images to one side, it's more often than not those that run the household finances who are making the best share investors. 

Women are quietly getting on with building their share portfolios and doing it by themselves or in groups, where their ideas are kicked around with those of others. 

Some are building their savings to pay for the kids' school fees or for their retirement. Some are in retirement and looking to make their money last as long as possible.

Angie Ellis, 46, is a qualified accountant who used to own a company that set-up accounting software for businesses.

For the past three years she's been managing her investment fund, which was seeded by the proceeds of some investment properties that she sold and is mostly invested in Australian-listed shares.

Angie has three children, two girls, 16 and 14, and a boy aged 10 and a husband, who works in residential property development.


She is a member of a couple of groups that get together every month or so to talk about share investing.

They are mixed gender groups, including one that meets in Benalla in regional Victoria that is run by the University of the Third Age (U3A).

"The men tend to have a better understanding of the utilities, materials and energy sectors and the women tend to know more about healthcare, consumer discretionary and consumer staples," she says. "It's great to have this knowledge mix."

Ellis has had success, as have other women who participate in the Shares Race that can be seen each week in these pages, by doing their own research and only buying shares in companies they understand. 

Some of Ellis' best investment ideas have come from the products she loves.

For example, one of her tips, Lovisa, the fashion jewellery retailer, has its head office in Melbourne's Camberwell where Ellis lives.

Its share price has doubled since the middle of last year.

"The stores were always packed and I would go into them and ask the shop assistants how they found working there," she says.

Another is BWX which, among other body, hair and skin-care products, makes Sukin, Ellis's favourite skin-cream.

Biological factors

Research does suggest that women can be more successful share investors than men.

This has been linked to women more commonly adopting the strategy of "buy and hold", with less turnover and lower transaction costs. 

Recep Peker, research director at Investment Trends, says surveys the researcher has done into the habits of clients of online share brokers going back to 2010 show behavioural differences between the sexes.

"Female share investors tend to trade less frequently than their male counterparts," Peker says.

"On average, they place seven trades for every 10 that men do," he says. ​

The gender difference in investing behaviour doesn't always work in women's favour.

"Men are also more likely to use fundamental or technical analysis, while women are more likely to get tips from their friends," Peker says.

Life priorities tend to drive women's financial decisions, according to research into women and money published last year by Professor Roslyn Russell, a professor of household finance at RMIT's school of  economics, finance and marketing.

"They will tend to put their family first and themselves last," Russell says. 

This usually means prioritising day-to-day household financial decisions rather than long-term investment decisions, she says. 

"Of course, men can have those priorities too, but I think that there are differences in gender identities and gender roles," she says.

The study also looked at women's "financial self-efficacy" (FSE), which refers to their ability to manage their finances and is often taken as a good proxy for confidence and financial capability.

Women aged 40 to 59 have the lowest levels of FSE and the most negative views about their financial futures. Women in this age group are also the most worried about running out of money in retirement.  

Women over 60 have higher levels of FSE and much brighter views of their future.

It seems that life experience gives confidence in making financial decisions, Russell says. 

Angie Ellis says she benefits from the experience of the retiree investors in her groups. "They are serious about their investment decisions and don't take too many risks," she says.

"They want to preserve their cash and it is very interesting to learn from them how they are managing their portfolios." 

All female

While some women prefer talking over share ideas with men and women, some women find advantages in all-female groups.

Kaye Rees, 56, founded Trading for Blondes in 2010, which has also participated in the Shares Race.

It has between about eight and 10 women ranging in ages from their mid-40s to mid-60s who meet regularly to discuss stock ideas over dinner at a restaurant in Bentleigh in Melbourne.

"I wanted to create an environment where women felt comfortable just having a chat about stocks and what they have in their portfolios," Rees says.

"To put it broadly, I think that women interact a bit differently," she says.

"For example, there's no competition at all, which is something that I sometimes have noticed with guys," she says.

"It is not a criticism, but there are differences. With this group we talk about anything and turning to talking about stocks just pops up."

Rees says having the different age groups is good, as the beginners can learn from the more experienced retiree investors, especially as the group uses "technical analysis", that is, using graphs to help pick shares. 

Joan Ponsford, 74, another participant of the Shares Race, has been investing in shares for decades.

"Some males can be gung-ho and look at their portfolios every day and go berserk if something goes wrong," she says.

She thinks that women do tend to be careful in terms of capital preservation and thinking long-term; probably many have not had that much money in the past.

On the other hand, she thinks that too many women rely on advisers, rather than doing their own research.

Ponsford, who lives in Bendigo, has always managed her own finances. When her partner died she inherited his shares, including his mining stocks.

She is not interested in the mining stocks and is in the process of weeding some of them out of her portfolio.

Ponsford prefers companies she knows and understands.

Her granddaughter did some work experience at Redbubble, which provides provides artists with a way to make money from their designs by printing them on clothing and homewares.

Ponsford had a look at the company and invested in it as a speculative play, which is yet to pay off. 

A pick of hers that has paid off, is Incitec Pivot, the maker of fertilisers, chemicals and explosives.

The shares were trading at about $2.80 in September last year and are now worth about $3.60.

Keep it simple

A favourite quote of Ellis' is from legendary American fund manager Peter Lynch.

"If you're prepared to invest in a company, then you ought to be able to explain why in simple language that a fifth grader could understand, and quickly enough so the fifth grader won't get bored."

That is advice that is followed in her investment groups. 

"We have to explain how our stock picks will generate cash, will grow and strengthen their economic moats, the barriers to competitors," Ellis says.

One of her best tips is a2 Milk.

"I noticed that most of my girlfriends were buying it and I did some research and presented it to one of my investment groups I attend as a 'buy' at 80c," she says.

The company sells its premium milk to China, US and Britain and a 10 per cent share of the Australian fresh milk market.

The shares in a2 Milk are now worth more than $2.20. The company was founded in New Zealand in 2000 and its shares are also listed on the New Zealand sharemarket.

  • Read the International Women's Day special in Money on Wednesday March 8.