

Meet the boss: SodaStream's Mark Fenton

SodaStream has been around for well over one hundred years, but like many brands with a long history, staying the course has required fairly regular doses of reinvention.

One recent example came via SodaStream's relaunch in 2006 and 2007. To boost market share, the company tapped into the nostalgia many of its former customers (now in their thirties, forties or fifties) felt for a product which had helped them make their own soft drinks as a kid.

"We did a great job at reactivating those people and bringing them back in," says SodaStream Australia's managing director, Mark Fenton.

But as that pool of customer got smaller and smaller as time went on, the management realised it needed to capture new markets.

"Globally, we've seen a shift away from soft drinks and heavily sugared drinks, and a shift towards sparkling waters and mineral waters. That's what SodaStream does; it makes sparkling water. We found the end of 2014 and most of 2015 challenging as we were still marketing ourselves as a soft drink company," he says.

The company realigned, and successfully repositioned as a sparkling water brand. It worked, today, SodaStream machines helps users worldwide create 1.5 billion litres of sparkling water a year.


"We've seen some huge gains since doing that, and it's allowed us to talk to our strengths like health and convenience," he says.

Fenton, who has now been with the company around seven years, has been responsible for much of that revival. He started as the company's Victorian sales manager, moved to the role of sales director, and then two years ago, took on the managing director role.

Climbing the ranks makes his current job easier.

"It impacts everything I do, and it gives me a really good understanding of everything that happens at the front line," he says.


Name: Mark Fenton

Current position: Managing director, SodaStream Australia.

Responsibilities: Overseeing the strategic growth plans for SodaStream Australia and implementing its positioning as a sparkling water brand.

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Marketing and Business, Swinburne University of Technology .

Additional training/courses: The Complete Skilled Negotiator, The Gap Partnership; various leadership, NLP and DISC (behaviour assessment) profiling courses.

Professional associations: Board member for SodaStream Australia and SodaStream New Zealand.

Strength: I understand that every person in the business has a different motivation, and likes to be managed differently. There's no one style that works for everybody.

Weakness: I can be a little emotionally invested. Having been here a while I can take the hits a bit personally.

Management style and tips: I try not to stick to one style, but I aim to get people to buy into the vision.

Work motto: I stole this from my last managing director. It's a quote by George Bernard Shaw: "The reasonable man can't always accept what the world is. But the unreasonable man, who doesn't accept everything, can drive and deliver change."