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Mariam Veiszadeh, Daily Life's Woman of the Year
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Women's march on Sydney
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Uncle Max opens Yabun Festival in Sydney with a smoking ceremony to mark Invasion Day. The fire was used at Barangaroo earlier this morning, lit on Clark Island yesterday and kept burning overnight.

Barack Obama sure is enjoying his post-Presidency lifestyle.

There's a right and wrong way for a man of a certain age to wear a leather jacket.

When it boils down to it, we still have a long way to go when it comes to best supporting our sisters who need it the most so they feel confident in taking a stand against the system designed to keep them subordinate.

Women in more than 30 countries are set to participate in 'A Day Without A Woman' on Wednesday. But can it really be pulled off?

Reactions to the traffic lights has been ...mixed.

A Victorian lobby group has won in its push to have several traffic lights around Melbourne changed into 'female' figures.

This was Q&A at its best, writes Andrew P Street.

When it's not overshadowed by political gotcha moments, <i>Q&A</i> shows just how valuable and powerful it can be.
smh.com.au|De Andrew P Street

From our handsoap to our surface spray, our body wash to our perfume, air fresheners and candles, household cleaners and laundry liquid; scents are all around us, but using them makes little sense according to new research.

Daily Life a partagé la photo de Moana Hope.

Warning: this will kick you right in the feels. Our Daily Life Woman of the Year nominee Moana Hope has just done this for her mum. Now if you'll excuse us, we're off to ugly cry at our desks.

L’image contient peut-être : une personne ou plus, personnes debout et intérieur
Moana Hope

This woman (my mum) has sacrificed so much in life to ensure we all had a roof over our head and food on the table. She is my world and I wanted to surprise her... with making one of her dream in life come true. That dream is to buy a house. So I saved every penny I had and on this day (big cry baby in photo) I surprised her with a cheque with enough money to put a down payment on any house she wishes for. Family is everything, so do whatever it takes to take care of yours. You don't have to have everything, or a lot to give back. 😪 😃 #thesemoments #blessings #family #suprise #favdaughter 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Emma Watson has slammed critics who said that her 'topless' photo discredited her feminism.

The Beauty and the Beast star spoke about the backlash in an interview with the BBC.

"I always thought it was my fault; that I didn't do or say the right thing."

"I'm angry because it destroys many people; girls both in the industry and in wider society. We are in 2017 - they should promote strong, healthy and beautiful women."

It may look the epitome of glamour, but life on the catwalk nearly killed Victoire Dauxerre, she tells Radhika Sanghani

After a few "aww, how sweet" and "wow, I remember that" moments, I made a monumental decision – stuff this stuff! Because that is all it was.

If there’s no room for it, newly organised Wendy Squires doesn’t want it – so how has she ended up with a box of someone else’s belongings?

It's hard to find a more potent symbol of regeneration than a garden. Gardens teach us about new life and the inevitability of loss. Despite my own numerous failures, I persevere because gardening isn't about success. It's about discovery and hope.

Planting a garden can help both your physical and psychological wellbeing.

Two are in love with their butts. Two are having an impact on keeping Indigenous kids in remote communities active. And the one thing they all want young women to know is it’s okay to “be yourself”.

“My body right now is perfect for what I want it to be," says Paralympian Madison de Rozario.

We’ve united 10 of our nation’s most talented female athletes to tell us what they love about their bodies, and what they don't.

One design does not suit all, so it's about time all schools introduce uniform options.

Trousers for girls. Swim shorts for boys. Unisex shirts. And hoodies now often for both sexes.

Every daughter leads a different life to that of her mother.

Sarah Ayoub charts the lives of five generations of females in her family, across continents, decades and social norms.

31 isn't typically the age when you start thinking about needing to retire. But most industries aren't like the modelling industry.

Jessica Hart still pinches herself that she gets work in the modelling industry.

The rural cinema's ban has attracted both backlash and support.

A US drive-in cinema has said that it will not show Disney's new version of Beauty and the Beast ... because it has a gay character.