Daily Life

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Dear Jess: I caught my boyfriend lying to me, is there any point continuing?

Q. I am vegan and recently took my own food to a dinner party. There would have been almost nothing for me to eat if I hadn't, but the hostess was obviously annoyed. Did I do the wrong thing?

A. Dear Dinner Guest, cooking isn't high on my list of talents, but I, too, would be annoyed if I went to the trouble of hosting a dinner party and my guest(s) brought their own food. Next time, give your hostess advance warning about what you can and cannot eat. That way she has time to prepare something you'll enjoy. However, if she has a limited culinary skill set (like me), let her know you'll be bringing your own meal.

Q. I have caught my boyfriend of almost four years out on numerous lies and we have been to couple's therapy to address the problem. Now I'm wondering if it's normal to lie. Is his behaviour a major red flag or am I just being too sensitive?

A. Darling Hopeless Romantic, when we love someone we're willing to turn a blind eye to their failings. But there is world of difference between failing to pick up your dirty clothes and repeatedly lying. You have shown your commitment to the relationship by going to therapy and your boyfriend deserves some brownie points for going along, too. But if he doesn't change his behaviour, consider ending this liaison. You deserve better, sweet, sensitive soul.  

Q. My boys have gone back to school, and while I didn't go mad over the holidays, I came very close. Can you suggest three self-indulgent ways I can reward myself for surviving this "fun, family time"?

A. Oh, I know that type of madness, Ms Marvellous Mum! But now comes the fun part – and why stop at three treats? For starters, how about staying in your PJs all day, eating chocolate in bed (and not sharing it) and binge-watching Real Housewives? Then, why not have a bubble bath, buy a new fuchsia lipstick, take yourself to the movies, buy a pile of crappy mags, have a coffee at a favourite cafe, daydream, wriggle your toes, laugh and do your best daggy dancing? Go for it!