

One Nation, do you even speak to your WA candidates?

Here's an idea, Australian political parties: maybe meet your candidates *before* endorsing them.

Elections always throw up their fair share of weirdos. Even the major parties struggle with it.

But the minor parties are fishing from an even smaller pond of excellent candidates, as evidenced by One Nation's line up for the coming WA election.

On Thursday the news broke that Richard Eldridge, candidate for the safe Labor seat of South Metro, had been making some pretty noteworthy statements on his now-deleted Twitter account. 

"The only real thing Muslims are good at is multiplying but that is all they need to do history will show… Let's hunt down some indo reporters and balibo them. What's Suharto up to these days." he cleverly Tweeted - because students of history agree that the brutal murder of five Australian journalists in 1975 was, first and foremost, hilarious! 

His comedy was as on point as his grammar as he held forth on how Muslims scare him ("Don't call Muslims towel heads anymore its a little sheet so yes they will answer to little sheet heads.") and how gay people scare him ("Gays marriage certificate could be called the poof proof certificate or the licker letter of law."), plus a few digs at the local Aboriginal folks. 

But he defended himself by explaining to Fairfax Media that "it was pretty much locker room talk… It's locker room talk, mate, that's all it is. I didn't want to offend anyone."


There are a couple of things about this that seem concerning. 

For a start, there's the transparent use of the Donald Trump term "locker room talk" in an attempt to make the embarrassing scandal go away, which suggests that ol' Edlridge is not too quick on his feet when it comes to inventing excuses for saying stupid things. At the very least you could ocker it up a bit by calling it "changing room talk", Rich.

Secondly, recall that Trump's "locker room talk" was all about his creepy sexual boasting, specifically about how he could force himself on women that found him repellent because he was famous.  "I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything." Ah, so presidential!

So if this is indeed locker room talk, is Eldridge bragging that this stuff turns him on? Because that's a really weird thing to want the electorate to know. 

Haven't One Nation's fortunes in the west have been gloriously entertaining of late? First there was the fascinating saga of Rod Culleton, the man who quit One Nation mere months after entering Parliament under legal questions regarding whether he was eligible to run for the senate (which, as it turned out, he wasn't) and whether he was facing bankruptcy (which, as it turns out, he was). 

But just in case Australia wasn't made aware that One Nation only recruit the very tippity-top WA candidates to carry the party's message to the people, the news that the WA Liberal Party will be preferencing One Nation over their traditional comrades-at-arms, the National Party, at the upcoming state election has focussed attention on the people the Libs evidently feel OK about supporting. 

Such as Michelle Myers, running in Bateman for One Nation and against the Russian Nazi Norwegian homosexual mind control program that is being covertly deployed against Christians in order to pass marriage equality laws.

And sure, that's not a state issue – the Marriage Act is a federal concern – but as the old saying goes, fighting against the hard-left hard-right secret academic gay hypnotism cabal begins at home.

"It's by a carefully contrived but disingenuous mind control program, melded together by two Norwegian homosexuals who graduated from Harvard," she reportedly wrote in a word salad posted on Facebook. 

"It's by a design convert to the general public but fully practised and promoted by the LGBTIQQMA/P community. Utilising many of the strategies developed by the Soviets and then the Nazis, they have gone on to apply and perfect theses principles so as to make them universal in their application – but with devastating results considering the counter productive nature of such 'unions'."

Who can argue with that? Or, for that matter, understand it?

This degree of razor sharp intellect is echoed by One Nation's Pilbara candidate David Archibald in his article for Quadrant criticising single mums for being too lazy and ugly to hold onto a man

Look, the chances of these more hilariously kooky candidates actually turning up in Parliament is low, but the Liberal deal means that the chances are higher than they'd otherwise be.

And that's the most baffling thing about it: if the plan works and the Barnett government do somehow get over the line and retain power, their ability to govern could well be determined by One Nation MPs.

And if that happens, WA readers, brace yourself for a lot of state inquiries into secret gay Scandinavian Soviet mind control Nazi rays.  

The new episode of the Double Disillusionists podcast is up now, talking One Nation preferences and coal-based show and tell with Dom Knight and Andrew P Street joined by guest Maddie Palmer