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Katharine Murphy
Political editor, GuardianAU. Recovering live blogger. Insiders. Meanjn. Director NPC. Adjunct AssPro Journalism UC. Traffic acquisition cost. Makes people cry.
Katharine Murphy 10h
right here. Doing my job. Day in. Day out.
Katharine Murphy 10h
but the conditions making the vocation hostile to humanity go beyond incessant conflict. More wide ranging than conflict.
Katharine Murphy 10h
of course. Democratic politics is about synthesising opposing views without resort to violence. Don't object to conflict.
Katharine Murphy 10h
Katharine Murphy 11h
Liberals and Labor fail to reach agreement on banning foreign donations, report due to land tomorrow
Katharine Murphy 11h
Seriously, I'm no longer surprised when politicians quit the parliament. I'm surprised when they stay
Katharine Murphy 11h
Sharing again in the context of the Kate Ellis departure – politics is now hostile territory for humans
Katharine Murphy 13h
New column. Australia's energy policy is a world-class failure and Abbott wears the gold medal of blame
Katharine Murphy 13h
Racial vilification laws protect those who are silenced by hate speech | Gillian Triggs
Katharine Murphy 14h
politics. Hostile to humanity Steph. We all know it's true. More people need to say it.
Katharine Murphy 14h
I think a number of them would like to make that choice, increasingly so in fact.
Katharine Murphy 14h
A cry for help if there ever was one.
Katharine Murphy 17h
Sad news. Climate Institute to shut down, citing lack of funds for independent research
Katharine Murphy 17h
'Clean' coal won't be commercially viable before 2030, energy analysis says
Katharine Murphy 17h
Really nice write up of my full nerd chat with Charlotte Wood last night
Katharine Murphy retweeted
Claire Phipps Mar 7
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
thanks, a solid list right there x
Katharine Murphy retweeted
Melissa Davey Mar 7
Australian women display ‘tremendous resilience’ in face of gender inequality, Kate Jenkins finds
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
With great female minds idling on the sidelines, how much progress have we lost? on
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
Australia must put a price on carbon, say institutional investors
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
I'm not sold on Tudor week as a concept.
Katharine Murphy Mar 7
Breitbart-led right-wing media ecosystem altered broader media agenda
Katharine Murphy Mar 6
Katharine Murphy Mar 6
Energy executives say dysfunction in the gas market – not windfarms – to blame for South Australia's woes
Katharine Murphy Mar 6
Boswell on : “If we don’t fight her back that’s where we’ll end up. We will be dragged to the right.”
Katharine Murphy Mar 6
he's had some experience in these matters
Katharine Murphy Mar 6
That terrific Boswell story via