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Victoria's changes to laws on tracing sperm and egg donors a sensible evolution

It's a part of the human condition that at various points in our lives we think about our backgrounds, our life history and what makes us who we are.

These questions may come because of health concerns, hopes of becoming a parent, curiosity about family history or the bigger puzzle of who we are in the world. In changing the laws to allow children conceived by sperm donation to identify their donors, the state government will undoubtedly have given many people peace of mind.

This is a sensitive issue, with complexity for both the donor and the child they helped to conceive. Those who donated sperm before 1998 were assured of anonymity, and for many reasons they may have appreciated this.

The prospect of being contacted by children you never knew you had may be overwhelming and even unwelcome for some. The Age is generally opposed to legislation that has a retrospective effect, but we feel in this case it is justified; the rights of the child have been appropriately updated without compromising the rights of the donor.

Legal changes introduced in recent days mean all those born from sperm or eggs donated in Victoria before January 1, 1998, now have the right to identifying data about their donor.

Following a law change in 2015, donor-conceived children could try to contact their donors through the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, but the donor's identity would only be released with their consent.


Now, the donor's consent is no longer required, but they can refuse contact and the person conceived through donation must respect this or face penalties.

These legal changes have come after long public debate. Some donors have spoken against them, but the overwhelming response from donors and donor-conceived people has been positive.

In considering policies made almost two decades ago, it's clear public sentiment has shifted in light of evidence. We knew a lot less 20 years ago about the potential for psychological and emotional harm caused to individuals prevented from fully knowing their heritage.

In recent years far more weight has been given to the rights of children and the complexities of mental health, and this is a good thing. The role of genetic heritage in health has become better understood. These changes open the way, too, for those conceived by donation to make contact with siblings who may be out there in the world, although this is an issue that deserves more consideration.

While some donors have expressed fears about being approached for money or other support or having their privacy breached, the changes address their concerns with the provision that donors can refuse contact and that anyone not respecting this can face penalties.

The Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority has given assurances that donor-conceived people will be required to give an undertaking to respect any no-contact preference. The government has also given the authority extra resources to support any donors concerned about unwelcome contact. We certainly hope that these provisions will be as robust as they sound.

For those conceived through egg or sperm donation, these changes hopefully offer the potential for greater emotional security and peace of mind over medical and other heritage concerns. They may never want to know the full identity of their donor, or wish to contact them, but they have the right, and even the knowledge of that will be profoundly important.

The government has done a good job on these changes. This seems to be well-considered, sensitive and sensible progress, bringing the policies around donor conception into line with today's knowledge and sensibilities.