

Nick Kyrgios' punchy personality is perfect for the ring

Nick Kyrgios often says that he would have rather been a basketball player than the very fine tennis player he actually is. But perhaps the best sporting fit for his qualities - braggadocio, showmanship, a sense of mischievous vulnerability - would have been a boxer's life.

This week, at the Mexican Open in Acapulco, has been typical Kyrgios. On Wednesday we had the trademark mouthiness, followed by outrage from a fan whom he allegedly told to "shut the ---- up". And then yesterday came the heavy-duty knockout, as he sent Novak Djokovic to the canvas in a blur of aces and showboating 'tweeners'.

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Plays of the Week

Unusual basketball moves, brutal Savea bumps and O'Keefe heroics in India, these are the plays of the week.

Djokovic's press conference, after his 7-6, 7-5 defeat, was short and sour. No one likes losing to a smart arse. But then Kyrgios had also ambushed Rafael Nadal on their first meeting, in the Wimbledon match of 2014 that made his name. And Roger Federer met the same fate in Madrid last year. Of the 'Big Four' it is only Andy Murray - who always went out of his way to welcome Kyrgios and support him through his many controversies - who has had his number on the court.

It almost seems as if the Murray-Kyrgios bromance has doused the younger man's fire. Whereas these other contests - "popcorn matches", as the Americans like to say, against celebrity opponents - turned up the heat instead. This is why Kyrgios might have been better off as a boxer: posing at the weigh-in, psyching out the opposition, but restricting himself to a handful of title fights every year.

Unfortunately for the Australian, tennis is the anti-boxing in the way that it hums along stolidly from one week to the next. Yes, there are crescendos at the big events, which perk everyone up like a familiar aria in an opera house. But the nature of the tour, which requires the leading men to plough through cannon fodder in the early rounds, is anathema to him.

It is almost impossible to set odds on a Kyrgios match because the world No.17 is at his most vulnerable against the also-rans. In the big showdowns, by contrast, he simply exudes talent.


The last man to hit fuzzy yellow balls with such casual mastery was the young Federer himself. And the Swiss, it is easy to forget, had to overcome his own temper and impatience before becoming a serial champion - a maturing process that was accelerated by his courtship of Mirka and the tragic death of his beloved coach Peter Carter.

Federer, though, never had a problem regarding his commitment to tennis. He has since proved that this is a "death do us part" relationship. Whereas Kyrgios - even as he approaches his 22nd birthday - remains the teenager looking for a quick romp in the back of his truck.

How to stay enthused from one match to the next? He will have to figure it out for himself. But maybe we can learn from him, too. Kyrgios is not the only one to feel that the men's tour needs an overhaul, a point that the Association of Tennis Professionals executive chairman, Chris Kermode, has effectively acknowledged by introducing an under-21s event as a testing ground.

No lets, no warm-ups, shorter sets - these tweaks could all be trialled at November's Next Gen ATP Finals in Milan. We thought they were being targeted at the next generation of fans, but perhaps they can also engage our posturing, basketballing maverick at the same time. Kyrgios might have a short attention span, but he gives this sport real punch.

The Telegraph, London

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