
Learn WordPress

San Diego Troubleshooting Workshop

March 23rd, 2013, 5:53pm — Jen

We’ll be doing our 2nd pilot workshop for the troubleshooting course on Sunday, March 24, 2013 in San Diego. This one, like its DC predecessor, will be offered only to women as part of our diversity initiative. We can take up to 25-30 students. For more information on prerequisites, course content, and to register, hit the Workshops page.

Local web dev agency Fifty & Fifty is generously donating their studio as the venue, while the teachers are coming in care of Dreamhost and Automattic, and other costs are being covered by the WordPress Foundation.

First Pilot Workshop for Women

February 19th, 2013, 10:42pm — Jen

I’m very excited to announce that we are finally launching a series of official workshops here at WordPress.org! It’s a program in the early stages, and we’ll be putting together curricula and documentation for a variety of topics over the next few months, everything from new site setup to troubleshooting to theme development and beyond. The goal is to post all the training materials on WordPress.org so that anyone — or any group, especially local WordPress meetups — can run a WordPress workshop with trusted materials and information.

We’re combining the creation of these materials with the goal of increasing diversity in our contributor community. As workshop content is being developed, the WordPress Foundation will run pilot workshops in 2 different cities for each topic. These pilot workshops will be offered specifically to women, as we’d like to encourage more women to participate in the open source project and help them level up as needed to get there.

Focusing on one under-represented group for this first round will make it a little easier to track and measure the success of the program. In the future we hope to expand our outreach efforts to other under-represented groups as well.

Our first pilot workshop for women will be on Troubleshooting, and will be offered in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, CA. For more information, visit the workshops page. If you’d like te be notified when new workshops are being launched or training materials have been posted to the site, please subscribe to this blog using the form in the sidebar.

Thanks, and wish us luck!

Hello world!

July 8th, 2010, 7:12pm — Jen

Welcome to learn.wordpress.org! This site is going to be the home for official resources to help people learn how to use and develop for WordPress, including handbooks and training materials available under an open license (just like WordPress itself). Over the coming months, we’ll be working on materials for end users, multisite administrators, plugin developers, theme developers, core contributors, translators, and any other community segment we can think of. Grab the feed if you want to keep up with our progress as we begin the work of creating these materials and filling out this site. We’re extremely excited by this project, and hope you are too!

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