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The incredible story behind a perfectly timed Adele selfie at the Gabba

An incredibly lucky Adele fan was given free front-row tickets an hour before the start of the first live show at the Gabba on Saturday, allowing her to snap the perfect selfie.

26-year-old Cassie Tapsall got a call from a mutual friend about 6.30pm as she sat in the Pineapple Hotel at Kangaroo Point, saying there were four tickets on offer in the inner circle next to the stage.

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A bird's eye view of 60,000 people pouring into the Gabba to watch Adele perform on Saturday night.

Less than 90 minutes later, Ms Tapsall along with her husband Alex and two friends, got her first glimpse of Adele from just metres away.

"It was quite comfortable, we had plenty of room," she said.

"(The concert) was amazing, really incredible.

"I loved the idea of the circular stadium, it was really great for everyone to be involved.


"Her little chats in between were hilarious .... and the opening of Hello was really amazing, everyone was really excited and waiting for that moment."

Ms Tapsall said it was a case of "third time lucky" for the perfect selfie, with several dodgy attempts both before and after the final product.

"She walked by quite a few times, but we had to be conscious of security – it was tricky," she said.

"I didn't realise we had a good one until after the show."

​There were plenty of other surprises during Adele's premiere Gabba show, some pleasant and others not so.

Despite having 180 additional portable toilets brought in especially for the event, women were forced to use the male bathrooms in the stadium and even then there were substantial queues outside. 

There were also personal messages from Adele herself shot into the crowd as confetti.

While everyone in the Gabba enjoyed the concert itself, some peoples' experiences were soured by pieces of bad luck.

But overall, there were plenty of beautiful moments.

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