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Sir Angus Houston appointed University of the Sunshine Coast chancellor

The former chief of the Defence Force has been appointed University of the Sunshine Coast's fourth chancellor.

Arguably Australia's pre-eminent defence elder, Sir Angus Houston nominated himself for the role that will begin on April 1.

"I'm looking forward to playing my part in a university that demonstrates high academic and research standards internationally and nationally and contributes substantially to its broader regional community," he said.

Sir Angus will follow from John Dobson OAM, who will retire on March 31 after 10 years in the role.

Sir Angus was awarded Knight of the Order of Australia in 2015 and served the nation in a number of leadership roles, particularly in Australia's response to the MH370 and MH17 disasters.

He retired as Chief of the Australian Defence Force on July 2011 after serving 41 years in the military.


Chancellor Dobson said Sir Angus's appointment would bring a "wealth of people experience" to the role.

"He has a broad national view of Australia, and universities are a very important aspect of that. Sir Angus will be a key player in helping USC move forward," he said.

Sir Angus has been a strong advocate for the university as a leader in community mental health and for the past five years served as Chair of the Board that established the USC's Sunshine Coast Mind and Neuroscience-Thompson Institute.

Sir Angus will be the University's fourth chancellor, following from John Dobson OAM (2007-2017), Ian Kennedy AO (1998-2007) and retired Justice Tony Fitzgerald QC (1994-1998).

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