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'Fake news' has arrived in Queensland politics

"Fake news" and "alternative facts" have entered the political vocabulary in Queensland and it could be damaging to the health of our democracy.

Political spin in the face of criticism is nothing new, but the term "fake news" has been prolific in recent months, especially in US politics – and Queensland politicians have jumped on the bandwagon.

In recent months, and during the US election, websites were created to publish fake news that goes viral on social media, earning money from advertising.

But accusations that unfavourable press coverage is instead fake have taken off, with US President Donald Trump leading the charge in using the term while attacking the media.

In Parliament this week, LNP member for Hervey Bay Ted Sorensen accused the Fraser Coast Chronicle of "fake news" following articles published about "the end of the scallops" and the electoral redistribution.

Opposition Energy spokesman Michael Hart criticised the ABC for a story about cuts to CSG compliance funding, labelling it "fake news".


The LNP media account also got into the action, labelling One Nation's comments on cane farmers as "fake news", slapping together their own meme.

The hashtag #fakenews also proliferated Twitter during the abortion debate.

During the previous sitting week, Labor members jumped on the "alternative facts" trend in attacking the LNP.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad asked MPs to "imagine" Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls explaining to his electorate "alternative facts around climate change", and member for Ipswich Jennifer Howard also threw in an off-handed mention of the term.

Health Minister Cameron Dick threw down the "alternative facts" gauntlet on February 16.

"It has only been three weeks since the presidential inauguration and the Trump administration has already thrown a lifeline to the Leader of the Opposition," Mr Dick told Parliament.

"Welcome to the brand-new post-truth world of LNP alternative facts: the alternative facts you use when you do not like the facts you have."

Businessman and former federal politician Clive Palmer also adopted the rhetoric on Saturday.

The University of Queensland journalism expert Dr Daniel Angus said it was concerning that the rhetoric of fake news had arrived in Australian politics.

"Politicians using it as a framing device to say that any news that disagrees with their position is fake news is very worrying," Dr Angus said.

Dr Angus said it had the potential to erode confidence in the fourth estate, particularly in today's media landscape, when the barriers to entry – such as radio equipment or a printing press – have been removed by the rise of online journalism.

"Anyone can be a broadcaster now ... but not anyone can have the same credibility that an established news organisation can have," he said.

"But that, for the general public, is not necessarily something that is just apparent [what is real and what is fake].

"When you do say things like this, and you throw around terms like 'fake news', it can erode people's confidence, and everybody ends up in a position where people say all news is crap.

"Well, actually, that is not true, there is still good journalism that exists, it's just perhaps in some instances ... It's easier for bad journalism to spread, or fake news to spread, genuine fake news."

Dr Angus said owning the debate by determining its terms was nothing new in politics, but it was interesting it was being used to discredit media articles.

"[Previously], they would be answerable to the public and the media," he said.

"This gives them an easy out, if they just call it fake news, they don't even have to respond to the allegation or provide any evidence.

"They get a get-out-of-jail pass by saying, 'It's fake news, I don't even have to engage with it'."

But Dr Angus said politicians were not using the term "fake news" in the correct way.

Dr Angus said real fake news exploited the principles of virality and the way news can spread very quickly, and not as quickly as corrections.

"It's made-up information ... At no point is it sourced from anywhere," he said.

"It is designed to be mischievous or to make money for the person creating the news, to drive traffic."

Google searches for "fake news" spiked in November 2016 during the US election, and reached its highest point on January 12, 2017.

The day earlier, during his first press conference as president-elect, Mr Trump used the term, pointing at CNN's Jim Acosta and saying: "You are fake news!" 

Google searches for "fake news" came mostly from the US, then the UK, with Australia coming in eighth.

"Alternative facts" entered the vernacular in January when US counsellor to the president Kellyanne Conway defended statements about crowds at Mr Trump's inauguration.

A government spokesman said: "A fearless and independent media is a vital part of a well-informed democratic society, regardless of whether or not politicians agree with particular stories they write."

The LNP declined to comment.