
Peter FitzSimons

Peter FitzSimons is an Australian journalist and author, based in Sydney. He is also a former Wallabies player.

Tony Abbott can't admire Brexit in Britain and yet remain a monarchist in Australia ... can he?

Abbott tied in knots over Brexit and the monarchy

This week, my friend Tony Abbott – who I have been arguing with, on the subject of the Australian republic, for two decades – spoke in Britain on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Conservative think tank The Bow Group.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott appears to be missing the point on climate change and the use of renewable energy.

What Abbott doesn't understand about renewable energy

"In short," my friend Tony Abbott said this week, as he lined up Malcolm Turnbull for the umpteenth time, "why not say to the people of Australia: we'll cut the [Renewable Energy Target] to help with your power bills?"

Peter Fitzsimons, pictured at his home in Cremorne, says his father advised him to learn from the lives of other men.

There's a correct response to hearing fake news

No names, no pack drill, and let's not even name the radio station concerned.  Let's just call him "Michael McLaren, midnight to dawn on 2GB". Mate, when you get a call like you did the other night from "Jim", and he says everyone knows that climate change is a nonsense because the climate changes all the time and the "last ice age only finished in the 1850s", did you, ummmm, you know, feel NO OBLIGATION to correct him?