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Exhibition celebrates the women behind the women's hospital

Kicked out of home after coming out at 17, Natalie Jeantou found herself alone, with just her dream to do what "she was born to do": helping women give birth.

Working two jobs and studying midwifery, she hardly slept for the next six years.

"I'd go straight from nightshift placement in Heidelberg ... to a pizza shop in Pakenham, nap in my car for an hour ... working until 2pm, then driving to Avondale Heights, napping in my car until I started work at 4pm ... work there till 7pm, then driving to Heidelberg, napping in my car ... and then working another night shift," Ms Jeantou says.

The 32-year-old is one of the 16 who feature in an photographic art exhibition celebrating The Women behind the Women's.

The Royal Women's Hospital chief executive Sue Matthews says the exhibition, launched on March 8, International Women's Day, aims to celebrate the diversity of women and breakdown stereotypes.

"The whole purpose of this exhibition is to showcase the amazing stories of the women who work at the Women's, inspire other women to follow their dreams," Ms Matthews says.


Nine Victorian photographers, including The Age's Penny Stephens, regular Fairfax contributor Meredith O'Shea and former Age snapper Angela Wylie, have shot the portraits.

Ms Jeantou says surviving the tough times has given her the essential tools for the job.

"I love the opportunity to work with women and their family, to give them the education and confidence to really just do it themselves," she says.

The Women behind the Women's will be on until May 8 at the Royal Women's Hospital atrium.