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“Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to be an old boys club or turn the clock back on the role of women in the corps, you are too dumb to be a marine,” a former Marine Corps colonel tells us.

Husband and wife took rare step of coming forward, calling for radical change to root out the kind of ‘reprehensible’ behavior exposed over secret Facebook page

Have you made your NCAA March Madness picks yet?

March Madness is upon us: 68 teams, 67 games, three pulse-pounding weeks, one national champion. Now it’s time to pick your bracket. Print a copy and fill it out by hand or do it on your browser.
James Baldwin debates the ‘American dream’
8,3 rb
Presidential address: Donald Trump gives first speech to Congress
2,4 rb
Covering Trump: What Happens When Journalism, Politics, and Fa...

"It worries me that these networks encompassing everyone I know provide empty, addictive rewards for pointless behavior. And it worries me that as long as I have a phone in my pocket, that scrolling idiot I’m capable of being is only ever a few clicks away."

Giving up Facebook and Instagram made me realize I was using them to block out real emotions with likes. But I couldn’t help going back

"The bill would thus increase our freedom to die of health conditions that are amenable to modern medical care, and thereby liberate tens of thousands of people a year off of the face of the planet."

Trumpcare does nothing but serve the rich at the expense of the poor and the sick. This is no freedom – it is a form of oppression

The Evil Within is very clearly the handiwork of a rank amateur under the influence of powerful narcotics.
It was also the passion project of an heir to the Getty oil fortune – a passion project built on a foundation of uncommon artistic commitment.

The Evil Within – a strange, gory film pored over meticulously in his mansion by oil dynasty scion Andrew Getty until his death – is finally getting a release

"Americans need to cool it with the gadgets. They always want the hot new iPhone or pacemaker or crutches when a good old stick’ll do." – Late Night with Seth Meyers

Comics, including Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, discussed the allegations surrounding Obama using a microwave to spy on the new president

Barack Obama chose the Islamic Society of Baltimore for his first visit to a US mosque as president.
Then-candidate Donald J. Trump said of the visit: "I don’t know, maybe he feels comfortable there. There are a lot of places he can go and he chose a mosque."

At the Islamic Society of Baltimore, Obama urged rejection of policies that ‘target people because of religion’ – now congregants are anxious the ban is exactly that

As many as 24 million Americans risk losing health coverage over the next decade under the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Monday. The report predicts a dramatic loss of healthcare coverage over the next decade if Congress enacts the Republican healthcare proposal, which has faced criticism from across the political spectrum and from nearly every sector of the healthcare industry. An estimated 52 million people would be uninsured in 2026, compared with the 28 million who would lack insurance that year under the current law, according to the report. President Donald Trump, who supports the Republican plan, has promised that his plan would provide “insurance for everybody”. More:

Foto Guardian US.

The company collected a constellation of data that could paint a picture of a user's most intimate activities.

Canadian manufacturer We-Vibe collected data about temperature and vibration intensity, revealing intimate information without customers’ knowledge

One expert warns that the move could be a provocation:
"The thing the North Koreans are most afraid of is that we’re going to kill Kim Jong-un in a decapitating strike ... It will make the North Koreans even more jumpy and have a way itchier trigger finger."

Deployment of Grey Eagle drones, designed to carry Hellfire missiles, in the South represents significant build-up of US military muscle

So a blizzard didn't quite happen for the big cities on the East Coast – but this storm still means serious business.

More than a foot of snow expected as New York, Philadelphia and Boston close schools but worst predictions revised down as precipitation turns to sleet early

Four-year-old Saglana Salchak woke up to find her grandmother not moving. After speaking with her blind grandfather, she set out for the neighbors – five miles away across the -30 degree, wolf-filled forest – taking only a box of matches.

Saglana Salchak’s crossing of area filled with wolves wins praise from locals but lands mother in legal trouble

Even when efforts are made to bring more women into the technology industry, they're often typecast for jobs that earn significantly less than their male colleagues.

Get-girls-to-code initiatives aim to fix tech’s gender imbalance – but they may help reinforce it

Economic anguish after years of prosperity continues to fuel resentment of an America many feel has left them behind.

"The good jobs, ones that could be turned into careers, have been replaced with an economic version of the Hunger Games."

Congressman Steve King says his comments about wanting "to see an America that is so homogenous that we look a lot the same" and that "we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies" had nothing to do with race.

Iowa representative claims comment was ‘not about race’ but rather in support of ‘western civilization’ after bipartisan criticism for ‘racist’ tweet

"True patriots are the people who reboot their country’s operating system in order to upgrade to a better, more democratic, version. Today’s jingoistic nationalists are truly false patriots: loyalists hiding behind patriotic rhetoric."

Former Occupy Wall Street leader Micah White explores patriotism’s roots in resistance, back when loving one’s country meant fighting against oppressors
Featuring the Guardian's US coverage, and hosting conversations between reporters and readers.
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