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Ireland / Britain - Anarchist Communist Event
Wednesday December 14 2016
06:30 PM

[Cavan] Book Launch: “Revolution in Rojava” by Michael Knapp, Anja Flach and Ercan Ayboga (Pluto Press, 2016)

category ireland / britain | the left | anarchist communist event author Wednesday November 30, 2016 19:42author by Rojava Calling! Report this post to the editors

BOOK LAUNCH: “Revolution in Rojava” by Michael Knapp, Anja Flach and Ercan Ayboga (Pluto Press, 2016)

Invited speaker: Ercan Ayboga, co-author of “Revolution in Rojava”

Cavan: Bridge Street Centre, Bridge Street, 14th December, 6,30pm


BOOK LAUNCH: “Revolution in Rojava” by Michael Knapp, Anja Flach and Ercan Ayboga (Pluto Press, 2016)

Invited speaker: Ercan Ayboga, co-author of “Revolution in Rojava”

Cavan: Bridge Street Centre, Bridge Street, 14th December, 6,30pm

We are pleased to invite you to the launch of “Revolution in Rojava”, an eye-witness account on the experience of creating a bottom up social order which actively challenges all forms of oppression and exploitation. The struggle in Rojava (a mostly Kurdish region north of Syria), despite the extent of counterrevolutionary and imperialist forces aligned against it, continues to nurture an autonomous, grassroots resistance across its multiply ethno-religious communities. The book describes in detail the experiences of the participants, the social and ideological evolution of the popular struggle, and most importantly, the attempt, in the most adverse circumstances imaginable, to nurture horizontalist social structures that make tangible an inclusive and participatory society, based on radical democracy and a cooperative economy.

We will have the opportunity to discuss the contents of the book and the unspeakable violence faced by the Kurdish liberation movement with Ercan Ayboga, a political and environmental activist, co-author of this indispensable guide to understand one of the most important movements in the Middle East, as crucial as it is misunderstood.

All welcome. Books will be available for sale and refreshments will be available for all.

“Surrounded by enemies including ISIS and hostile Turkish forces, the people of Syria’s northern Rojava region are carving out one of the most radically progressive societies on the planet. Visitors have been astounded by the success of their project, a communally organised democracy which considers women’s equality indispensable and rejects reactionary nationalist ideology while being fiercely anti-capitalist.

The people of Rojava call their new system democratic confederalism. It boasts gender quotas of 40%, bottom-up democratic structures, deep-reaching ecological policies and a self-defence capacity which is keeping ISIS from the gates”.

Organised by:

Rojava Calling!
Saoirse Jin
Cavan Public Participation Network
Cavan Action for Social Equality
Peadar O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Ireland / Britain | The Left | en

Tue 06 Dec, 11:51

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(Statement released by the anonymous group behind the attack.)

more >>

imageSP MEP to debate whether voting in the referendum is “a waste of time” at Anarchist Bookfair May 26 Workers Solidarity Movement 0 comments

Socialist Party MEP to debate whether voting in the referendum is “a waste of time” at Anarchist Bookfair this weekend

textSocial Solidarity Network : Time To Get Organised Nov 10 Social Solidarity Network 0 comments

The Social Solidarity Network "is a grouping of people who have come together to provide a forum for workers and communities to unite to resist the attacks and to build links across the many struggles which will break out over the coming months" that Workers Solidarity Movement members are involved in. Some 7000 copies of this SSN text were distributed on the Nov 6th ICTU demonstration against cuts in Dublin.

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