Get a Woman with I Love Women University

Hello and welcome to ilwu! The best one stop site for learning how to talk to women and get a girlfriend. We here at understand that not everyone is just innately comfortable with the opposite sex, and that’s ok! We are here to help you be comfortable in your own skin and thereby exude that unspoken confidence women will love and want to get to know you for. We work our hardest to lay out a multi-step process to aid in all the most uncomfortable situations any man can find themselves in and they are truly frightening! Not to worry though, you’re not alone and we make it our mission to help in the best way possible.
This is not a site to learn how to “hook-up” with a girl. Its for a genuine desire to acquire a girlfriend or to just help the comfort level of a man looking to shake the awkwardness of striking conversation with females. And of course the anxiety riddled questions that come after a successful encounter- what now?? Yikes! It’s not as difficult as it’s built up to be with the simple guidelines supplied by us at ilwu10. Learn where to find women, and what to do when one talks to you! Hint- responding without stuttering helps! LOL. Don’t fear the friendzone, or a woman that may be “out of your league”. There is no such thing as out of your league and the “friendzone”? Only you can allow yourself to be there. ilwu10 is here to help guide you in the right direction and aide in leading you toward what your true goals are and how to achieve them. Boys are not going to be boys forever and those awkward teen years are behind you! Time to embrace yourself and your manhood and go after what you want- the woman to complete your world. We can help you get this woman at ilwu10.
how can ilwu10 help men attract the women they desire with the outcome they want most. simple guidlines.

To get step by step directions on how to get the girlfriend you always wanted go here.


Get right to the point and learn how to attract and seduce any female.