Cochlear fails to win any part of $37 million Chinese government tender

Cochlear has failed to win any part of a $37 million Chinese government tender.
Cochlear has failed to win any part of a $37 million Chinese government tender. Craig Abraham

Hearing implant maker Cochlear has failed to win any part of a $37 million Chinese government tender, signalling its rivals are discounting heavily as they seek to erode the Australian company's market dominance.

Documents published on the website of China's Ministry of Finance late on Friday showed 4800 units from the latest central government tender were split almost equally between Advanced Bionics of the US, Med-El of Austria and Chinese upstart Nurotron.

The lowest price per unit in this latest round was $US5490 ($7230) by Med-El, which is 31 per cent lower than Cochlear achieved while tendering three years ago.

'Price killer' Chinese manufacturer

The Hangzhou-based Nurotron, which has been dubbed the "price killer", was the highest price winning bidder at $US5916 per unit.

Cochlear warned investors at its half-year results presentation last month that the next Chinese government tender could be smaller than previous year's, at about 3300 units. Typically Cochlear would be expected to win between a third and a half of any tender.

While the tender was bigger than Cochlear had expected, its lack of success is likely come as a shock to the market.

During the previous half Cochlear delivered 1100 units into the Chinese government tender. This was below market expectations and less than the 1700 units sold under the tender in the first half of 2016.

The lack of success in the tender follows the departure of Cochlear's head of China sales late last year, amid suggestions that discounting in the tender market had spilled into the private patient market and the company was behind on sales targets.

China has been Cochlear's fastest-growing and largest market by volume in recent years, but it is facing increasingly tough competition from Nurotron, which counts Goldman Sachs among its investors.

Nurotron's entry into the market, using technology licensed from the University of California, has pushed the average tender price down and disrupted the often cosy relationship between the three established players.

Nurotron beat Cochlear in a tender last year, but did not have the production capacity to fulfil the order and so handed it back to the government, which subsequently awarded it to the Sydney-based company.

The founder of Nurotron, Li Fangping, noted that Cochlear had won three out of the four of the most recent tenders and that the central government was conscious of keeping a "balance" among the manufacturers.

He expected another tender in the second half of the year and said Cochlear was likely to win some part of it.

Mr Li, a property developer turned medical devices entrepreneur, previously told The Australian Financial Review that his company would be in a better position to compete for tenders this year.

Nurotron recently opened a new factory near Hangzhou and is aiming to nearly double production this year to 6000 units.

At full capacity the new factory will be able to produce 20,000 units a year. Cochlear's sales totalled 30,000 units in its last financial year.

Labour-intensive industry

While Cochlear's implants and the processors contain advanced technology, assembling them is highly labour intensive.

This gives Nurotron an advantage given that wages in China are often half that of Australia.

Nurotron, which has received strong support from Beijing, is often cited as an example of China's move into higher-value manufacturing and how this threatens established players around the world.

The price of products such as smart phones, solar panels and artificial body parts declined significantly after Chinese companies entered their manufacturing space.

There are an estimated 28 million deaf people in China and 30,000 babies are born with hearing problems each year.