Leaving the swamp - L'Ouvrier Communiste

An article published in August, 1929 in L'Ouvrier Communiste (the Communist Worker) issue no. 1, which was the journal of the Communist Workers' Groups, who were led ideologically by Michelangelo Pappalardi. This group split from Prometeo on several key questions, immediately pursuing a rapprochement with the line of the old KAPD (Communist Workers' Party of Germany). This article outlines their disagreements with the Bordigist tradition and with Leninism, more generally.

Marxism in a lost century: a biography of Paul Mattick - Gary Roth

Retells the history of the radical left during the twentieth century through the words and deeds of Paul Mattick.

The revolution is not a party affair - Otto Rühle

Otto Rühle

This article was written in May 1920 and was first published in the German paper Die Aktion. This translation first appeared in the London Workers' Group bulletin (no. 14, October 1983). A different english translation was published in the American journal Revolutionary Struggle, No. 2, Spring 1979.

Jan Appel - Communist Bulletin Group

A short biography of Jan Appel, a German council communist.

Towards a history of the German Communist Workers Party (KAPD) - Communist Bulletin Group

A history of the German Communist Workers Party (KAPD), a council communist organization that exists in Germany during the 1920s.

Left-wing splinter parties in the Weimar Republic

A 1974 dissertation on various left-wing radical groups in Weimar Republic era Germany.

Solidarity: for workers' power (Aberdeen) #03

Issue 3 of the magazine of Solidarity (Aberdeen) with articles on Consolidated Pneumatic, the KAPD and the German revolution, housing in Aberdeen, technology and workers' control. From around 1968.

Paul Mattick and Council Communism - Claudio Pozzoli

Notes by Claudio Pozzoli on Paul Mattick, council communism and in particular its differences with left communism.

Interventions by the KAPD at the 3rd Congress of the Communist International, 1921

Interventions by delegates of the left communist KAPD (Communist Workers Party of Germany) at the Congress of the Third International.