Federal Politics

Sugar tax proposals divide experts and federal government

In 2015, Australians purchased about 1.1 billion litres of sugary drinks at a total cost of $2.2 billion.

Decisive government intervention to address Australia's growing obesity epidemic should include a new tax on sugary beverages, as 75 per cent of young people exceed recommended daily energy intake, a leading obesity expert has warned.

Triggs defends handling of key 18c race-hate case

Australian Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs at a committee hearing in December.

Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has vigorously defended her handling of a controversial case at the centre of the push to overhaul Australia's racial discrimination laws, taking aim at "misinformation" from parts of the media.

Slow death on Manus, the sad story of Eaten Fish

Eaten Fish is the pen name of an Iranian man called Ali.

It was just another hot and humid day inside the Manus Island detention centre, more than 12 months ago, until a large group of detainees began gathering near the fences that separate the two biggest compounds.

Hockey warns Trump over nationalistic 'America First' rhetoric

U.S. President Donald Trump listens during a parent-teacher conference listening session inside the Roosevelt Room of ...

Australia's ambassador to the United States Joe Hockey has warned President Donald Trump his trademark "America First" rhetoric will leave allies and trading partners questioning their relationship with America, and risks a horrible impact on the domestic economy.

ABC boss Michelle Guthrie to take axe to management

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie is planning a major overhaul of the broadcaster's management structures

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie is poised to announce a sweeping overhaul of the broadcaster's management structures that is designed to free up tens of millions of dollars to invest in programming.

Barnstorming Barnaby's big year

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is well in control of the Nationals' partyroom.

On the league table of modern political lunacy, Joyce - carp-slaying, Depp-destroying, barnstorming Barnaby - doesn't even rate a mention.