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Party programme   Build the People’s Resistance—Build the People’s Alternative, adopted by the 24th National Congress (September 2010), is available for downloading in PDF form.         
     Books and pamphlets  An Economy for the Common Good (2009) contains an analysis of the economic crisis and a strategy for an alternative economy. Other recent publications include Repudiate the Debt: For a Better Future, and The European Union: New Developments in Imperialism, by Jorge Cadima.

Works of James Connolly  Over the years the CPI has kept in print the principal writings of the Irish Marxist pioneer James Connolly, including the classic Labour in Irish History (1910) and more recently a two-volume Collected Works (1987).

These and other publications are available at Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin D02 XH96.

Periodicals  The periodicals published by the party are Socialist Voice (Dublin, monthly) and Unity (Belfast, weekly).
     Take out a subscription to Socialist Voice by sending €15 (£10) to Socialist Voice, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin D02 XH96, for one year (10–12 issues). (This rate includes postage within Ireland; rates for other countries on request.) Or get a to the e-mail edition of Socialist Voice by sending us an e-mail request.
 Take out a subscription to Unity by sending £20 (€24) for 6 months or £40 (€48) for 12 months to Unity, PO Box 85, Belfast BT1 1SR, for one year. (This rate includes postage within Ireland: rates for other countries on request.)
 Read recent articles by clicking on the images to the left.

Bibliography  A list of the publications of the CPI from its founding in 1933.

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