Endangered Elements

Of the 118 elements that make up everything—from the compounds in a chemists arsenal to consumer products on the shelf—44 will face supply limitations in the coming years. These critical elements include rare earth elements, precious metals, and even life essentials like Phosphorus. Research into more abundant alternatives, more efficient uses, recycling and recovery will help mitigate risks and move industry towards sustainable supply chains.

The Period Table of Endangered Elements presents elements facing supply restrictions in the coming years. The research was conducted by the Chemical Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network.


5th Chemical Sciences and Society Summit (CS3) 2013 Whitepaper: Efficient Utilization of Elements
This whitepaper provides an overview of the main elements facing supply restrictions and research areas of importance such as materials for energy production, catalysis, and reuse and recovery. The report concludes with bulleted recommendations.

Element Recovery and Sustainability
This book addresses the economic, political, and research challenges presented by the limited global supply of rare earth elements and precious metal. Chapters focus on recovery methods and are drawn from the chemistry, engineering, and biotechnology sectors. 

Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU
This report, published in 2014 by the European Commission, examines materials of high economic importance and high supply risk to the EU. Of 54 candidates, 20 materials are identified as critical.


Annex to the Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU
An annex to the above report published by the European Commission with statistics and data on the identified critical raw materials.


Energy Critical Elements: Securing Materials for Emerging Technologies
This report published by the American Physical Society and Materials Research Society focuses on materials used in new technologies that face future supply constraints and outlines steps the U.S. can take to mitigate this risk.