• PSI has launched its Global Campaign for the Human Right to Health that aims at building a mass global movement that could influence concrete policies towards attaining Universal Public Health Coverage.

  • Join the PSI campaign to abolish the practice of charging recruitment fees on migrant workers. Sign on to the Manifesto and use it to shift policy and practice towards fair and ethical recruitment.

  • PSI calls on its affiliates and allies to send letters to the Liberian government, for the reinstatement of dismissed workers, demanding the recognition of the right to organize for public service workers and the respect of trade union rights for all workers in Liberia!

  • A high priority area of work for PSI, is workplace violence in the health sector, the experiences of affiliates in raising awareness and developing campaigns and actions to eliminate workplace violence will contribute to the discussions and preparation for developing an ILO standard on violence against women and men at work.

  • Women around the world stand up for social justice. Enough is enough.

    On 8th March this year, we pledge our solidarity with the millions of women in grassroots movements and trade unions around the world in saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! No to racism, xenophobia, homophobia. We demand autonomy and control over our own bodies. Pay equity now! Rights without borders. No more gender-based violence in the workplace and quality public services for all! #IWD2017

  • PSI launches the Human Right to Health Campaign in Southern Africa

    PSI affiliates organised the sub-regional launch of the global campaign at Reef Hotels in Johannesburg on 3 March 2017. They all pledged their full support for the initiative, endorsing its framework for advocacy within southern African countries.

  • Lesvos port, Mytilene, September, 6, 2015, photo Angelos Tzortzinis

    PSI Greek affiliate ADEDY launches study on the “Refugee Crisis and the Greek Public Services”

    ADEDY Koinoniko Polykentro, the research institute of ADEDY, the Greek trade union affiliate of PSI, launches the report of the study “The Refugee Crisis and the Greek Public Services: Mapping of the contribution of public services in Lesbos concerning perception, registration, accommodation and care facilities, and the asylum procedures.”