
Olympism and fascism

Excerpt from the book “The Olympic Deceit of The ‘Divine Baron’ – Pierre de Coubertin” by Ljubodrag Simonović

La Meksikano Felipe Rivera: Jack London

Rankonto pri la vivo de Felipe Rivera, la Meksikano boksisto kaj revolucia. Skribis per Jack London en 1911 (eldonis en 1913).

Laboristaj Olimpikaj Ludoj: Jakvo Schram

Artikolo de Jakvo Schram pri sporta evento kiu devus esti okazinta la jaron 1936 en Barcelono.

Sport as the religion of capitalism

An interview with Ljubodrag Simonoviç, author of The Philosophy of Olympism. Sport is central to his critique of capitalism.

Olimpiaj ludoj en Barcelono: Eduardo Vivancos

Artikolo pri la Popolaj Olimpiaj Ludoj de Barcelono, verkita de partopreninto, Eduardo Vivancos.

Philosophy of Olympism - introduction

Ljubodrag "Duci" Simonović is a Serbian philosopher, author and retired professional basketball player. After his retirement from sport he has written various books which center around a critique of Olympism and professional sports.

Militancy and the beautiful game: an interview with Gabriel Kuhn

Gabriel Kuhn is an anarchist activist living in Sweden and author of an impressive array of histories, translations, and collections published on anarchism, history of the left, and sports. His energy for writing is matched by a passion for soccer as a longtime fan and once professional athlete. We interviewed him about his experiences playing for a living, radical history, and controversies today.

No pain no gain

Track / Image by Monica Kostas

The fifth installment in Recomposition's 'Politics on the Field' series comes to us from Chicago where Kingsley Clarke discusses his love of track and field, a view into youth coaching of the sport, and the class and racial dynamics that exist today.

He’s a Mendocino and I’m from Bogota

Cleats / Image by Monica Kostas

The fourth installment of Recomposition's 'Politics on the Field' series comes from South Florida where Marcos Restrepo brings us to the world of youth sports. With the Super Bowl past us and all the attention the world plays to sports industries and media, it’s important to remember that where sports grows from in the innumerable fields and arenas where children learn and play. Restrepo presents a picture of these games a father and someone critical of what capitalism has done to a game that continues to capture the passion and imagination of millions.

A Portrait of IWW Athletes

In the third installment of our series “Politics on the Field” we bring the story of three IWW athletes. This piece of history is written by IWW Neil Parthun, a sports show host, who offers a glimpse into the lives and trajectories of the IWW members who played sports as a career, and ends with his reflections on labor in professional sports.