
Speech at the Madrid Ateneo - Salvador Seguí

A speech delivered by Salvador Seguí in 1919 in Madrid in which the CNT leader denounces Catalonian separatism as an alibi for the repression of the workers movement, denies that socialist parties or anarchist groups are capable of assuming responsibility for production, calls upon the unions to focus on an educational program to prepare the Trade Unions, based on occupational categories, to guarantee the normalization of production and consumption after the revolution (so that “all the material needs of life for all humans will be assured”), and claims that this preparation (“We have to read a lot, and discuss even more”) is an indispensable precondition for communism.

Madrid sex workers call for an end to criminalisation

Around 150 sex workers demonstrated this afternoon (Saturday 15th Feb 2014) between Puerto del Sol and Gran Vía in Madrid, protesting against the criminalisation of prostitution and against the city government's Civil Space Ordnance and the Interior Ministry's proposed Law of Civil Safety.

Indefinite strike at Coca Cola's Madrid plant

Coca-Cola workers in Alicante.

On Wednesday the business put 1250 workers under ERE (notification of termination). Three other sites (in Asturias, Alicante and Palma) debate how to respond to the stoppage.

Organizing women: first steps - Martha A. Ackelsberg

An excerpt from Martha A. Ackelsberg's Free Women of Spain: anarchism and the struggle for the emancipation of women about women's struggle for autonomy within the CNT.

May they all go

Original Spanish text, published 19th May, available here

Part 2: what is acampada sol?

Map of Acampada Sol.

Text explaining the nature of the encampment in Puerto del Sol (now known as Acampada Sol).

Part 1: a march and a plaza

Report from a participant on the first days of the occupation of Puerta del Sol and the Spanish assembly movement in Madrid.

Spain: Anarchists and the May 15 movement: reflections and proposals

Rally in Puerta del Sol in solidarity with occupiers in Barcelona

A reflection article written by anarchists in Madrid on the occupation at Puerta del Sol, leading up to the neighborhood assemblies which took place on May 28.

Spain: Thousands march against new labour laws

As millions fight new employment laws in France, last week 5,000 people marched in Madrid against new proposed labour reforms in Spain.