Résultats de recherche
  1. 27 avr.
  2. 1 mai
  3. il y a 2 minutes
  4. il y a 3 minutes

    Ambitious goals make for outstanding achievements

  5. il y a 7 heures

    Thank you for providing such a & message to our students at today's Honor Assemblies

  6. il y a 11 heures

    There is always something inside you to keep going. So, when you're about to give up, search for it!

  7. il y a 12 heures

    If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all. So, keep on trying, keep on believing :)

  8. il y a 13 heures
  9. il y a 22 heures

    It's a BIG difference: CHAMPIONS Train. LOSERS Complain.

  10. il y a 22 heures
  11. il y a 22 heures

    Don't quit when you're in pain. The best to do....is to keep going and you'll get a reward from it.

  12. 1 mai
  13. 1 mai

    We speak to organisations & bring happiness! Want a special visit?

  14. 1 mai

    You all should must watch this video. Video

  15. 1 mai
  16. 1 mai

    Play hard. Laugh loud. Soar high. Adore the moments when you play - win or lose :)

  17. 1 mai
    En réponse à

    I know this feel, je compatis.. Garde en tête que t'es super talentueuse et que t'as les capacités de faire de grandes choses!

  18. 1 mai
  19. 30 avr.
  20. 30 avr.

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