
Gina McColl

Writes about institutions, public policy, arts and culture, and consumer affairs.

Crown's training scheme has not proven a golden ticket for retrenched workers.

Crown training scheme for retrenched workers a 'rort'

A deal struck struck by the Victorian Government with Crown Casino to retrain 500 retrenched workers in return for a lucrative extension to its monopoly gambling licence has enrolled just 10 so far. The revelation has put its taxpayer-subsidised private training facility in the spotlight.

Artist, human rights champion and political dissident Ai Weiwei with Tony Ellwood, director of the National Gallery of ...

No Weiwei: union response to NGV's attempt to weaken staff rights

The National Gallery of Victoria, which cause an international sensation when it championed the right to free speech and political activism of artist Ai Weiwei last year, is seeking to remove human rights clauses in a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement with staff.

A cow in a robotic milking dairy.

Battery bovines? How now robot cow

Cows living in giant barns, fed rations, milked by robots. Farmegeddon – a way to bring a little more science and technology to help keep local farming sustainable?