Federal Politics

Eryk Bagshaw

Eryk Bagshaw is Fairfax Media's economics correspondent based in Parliament House, Canberra. He was previously The Sydney Morning Herald's education reporter.

The sector unanimously criticised the changes at a Senate committee hearing in Parliament on Thursday.

Childcare industry slams government's omnibus bill

The sector that has the most to gain from funding changes under the Omnibus bill has slammed the government's bill as unfair. "We just don't believe that it's necessary to predicate investment in early childhood eduction through savings in other areas," the Senate committee hearing into the Omninbus bill has been told.

The public hearing into the government's proposed changes to social services legislation at Parliament House was told ...

Ex-students 'would struggle to feed themselves' under $1300 cut

University students on youth allowance "would struggle to pay the rent" and "feed themselves" under changes to the federal government's omnibus bill, a senate committee has heard, after being stripped of their income for five weeks between leaving university and finding paid employment.

Human Services Minister Alan Tudge.

Centrelink: minister referred to federal police

Labor's human services spokeswoman Linda Burney has referred Human Services Minister Alan Tudge to the Australian Federal Police over allegations he broke the law by releasing the personal information of a Centrelink recipient to the media.