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Na Twitteri od február 2007

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  1. pred 3 minútami

    Google uses AI to help diagnose breast cancer

  2. pred 16 minútami

    Jordan executed 15 inmates at dawn Saturday, including 10 who were convicted of terrorism, officials say.

  3. pred 18 minútami

    In a stunt aimed at President Trump, this Mexican politician climbed a border fence

  4. pred 34 minútami

    Opinion: Donald Trump's early warmth towards Putin is coming back to haunt him, writes

  5. pred 35 minútami

    . Miranda explains his tasty creative process

  6. pred 35 minútami

    Ben Keita's body was found hanging from a high tree branch, and his family is now asking the FBI to investigate

  7. pred 1 hodinou

    Satellites caught a company faking the construction of 100,000 homes, according to an SEC complaint

  8. pred 2 hodinami

    The iconic Nokia 3310 was a global hit from the pre-smartphone era -- and it's making a comeback

  9. pred 2 hodinami

    "Has anyone seen the bill?" Sen. Rand Paul is still searching for the Obamacare replacement bill

  10. pred 2 hodinami

    How do you prep for extreme weather? The University of Florida uses this 230 mph wind tunnel

  11. pred 2 hodinami

    Ready to engage: Patrick Stewart says he's applying for US citizenship so he can "fight" and "oppose" Donald Trump

  12. pred 2 hodinami

    Asbestos exposure is still making people sick, and researchers are struggling to understand why

  13. pred 3 hodinami

    Georgia couple who belonged to Confederate-flag-waving group gets prison for racist threats at kid's birthday party

  14. pred 3 hodinami

    "Has anyone seen the bill?" Sen. Rand Paul is still searching for the Obamacare replacement bill

  15. pred 3 hodinami

    Survey reveals the age when girls become interested in science and math, and then when they lose it

  16. pred 3 hodinami

    Students in Scotland drew attention after holding a Viking funeral for their goldfish, with longships set ablaze

  17. pred 3 hodinami

    Can immigrants be deported from the US without a court hearing?

  18. pred 4 hodinami

    Conan O'Brien went to Mexico to ask for donations to build the border wall. CNN's Jake Tapper asked him how it went.

  19. pred 4 hodinami

    Frace's Marine Le Pen was summoned by a judge over allegations of misusing European Union funds, her lawyer told CNN

  20. pred 4 hodinami

    Questions were raised after a transgender boy won a girls' wrestling championship in Texas

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