Letiltottad @mmpadellan felhasználót

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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jan. 24.

    . Based on ur estranged relationship w/the truth, ppl are afraid to tell u what u NEED to hear. Open letter to u.

  2. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    Say what you will about HRC, but she would NEVER wipe the LGBTQ community from the 2020 Census.

  3. retweetelte
    15 órával ezelőtt

    What a PANSY. trump is too afraid to throw a damn baseball. SAD! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. retweetelte
    13 órával ezelőtt

    Ask not what ur country can do for you. Ask what you can do for ME? What the HELL do you have to lose?

  5. retweetelte
    14 órával ezelőtt

    I may be wrong, but it seems VERY unsportsmanlike 2 shoot a sleeping animal. And it's a DICK move to shoot ANY.

  6. retweetelte
    14 órával ezelőtt

    . HERE'S why trump won't throw out the ceremonial baseball pitch.

  7. retweetelte
    16 órával ezelőtt

    Sally Yates firing, Elizabeth Warren persisting, Angela Merkel no-shake, April Ryan HEAD SHAKE? trump White House is SCARED of strong women.

  8. retweetelte
    7 órával ezelőtt

    . trump is that magic monkey paw gift that keeps on giving. Keeps us galvanized against him, but going insane in the process.

  9. retweetelte
    9 órával ezelőtt

    Baseball is 90 percent throwing, and I throw better than the best pitchers, believe me.

  10. retweetelte
    11 órával ezelőtt

    We have only ONE planet. trump's Exec Order puts it in jeopardy. RETWEET if u agree; Like if u prefer the Earth on the left.

  11. retweetelte
    márc. 28.

    REPORT: FISA warrant listed trump as "Russian agent of influence." No wonder he's panicking. RETWEET!

  12. retweetelte
    5 órával ezelőtt

    just make the fuckin ball smaller!! Christ...Do I have to think of everything?😂😂 & My god he's fat...

  13. retweetelte
    5 órával ezelőtt

    Peeping trump Predator Lier Hater 0Knowlege 0Honor 0Values 0Respect is Sick

  14. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    Yes but people like don't vote with their vaginas & said Trump would bring the revolution. So there's that.

  15. Válasz felhasználónak
    5 órával ezelőtt

    . Last I heard, she was telling him some dumb shit like "Call me," when he backed the anti-trans bathroom bill. Sickening.

  16. BrooklynDad_Defiant! követve , , and 6 others
  17. retweetelte
    7 órával ezelőtt

    . Whenever they mention Kek or Kekistan or stupid shit like that, they're down with hate. BLOCK.

  18. 6 órával ezelőtt

    Say what you will about HRC, but she would NEVER wipe the LGBTQ community from the 2020 Census.

  19. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    Trump is cutting left & right to build-up military. The world is watching & will not stand idle. The USA is becoming the threat.

  20. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    Weak men always are terrified of strong women and 45 is a just a big toddler in a suit.

  21. retweetelte
    7 órával ezelőtt

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