United States

Health News


Massachusetts to plug gap if Congress blocks Planned Parenthood funds Mar 03 2017

BOSTON Massachusetts will plug any holes in the budget of the state chapter of Planned Parenthood if the U.S. Congress moves to block the use of Medicaid funds for treatment at the women's health care organization, Governor Charlie Baker said on Friday.

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Britain detects bird flu on premises in eastern England

LONDON Britain said on Friday it had detected bird flu on premises in eastern England during routine checks carried out following the confirmation of the virus at a nearby farm.

Mar 03 2017

Ebola nurse's family want to sue Liberian hospital over her death

MONROVIA The family of a Liberian Ebola nurse named Time magazine's "Person of the Year" in 2014 wants to sue a hospital whose staff they say were too scared to treat her when she died of complications around childbirth.

World, Mar 03 2017

Governors met on Obamacare replacement plan with Pence

WASHINGTON Ten state governors seeking to avoid millions of dollars in federal healthcare cuts under Republican plans to replace Obamacare pressed their case in a meeting with Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday, according to two people briefed on the talks.

Politics, Election 2016, Mar 02 2017

U.S. sunscreens may not meet European standards

(Reuters Health) - While most high-SPF sunscreens in the U.S. meet national standards for ultraviolet A (UVA) protection, about half don’t meet European standards, a recent study found.

Mar 03 2017

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