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    5/ there was an hours-long meeting about ACA w White House aides yesterday morning.

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    6/ meanwhile, Trump has repeatedly told people throughout today that he is convinced he's right re wiretaps, per 3 ppl w direct knowledge

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    Trump fumes at staff yesterday. When things aren't going well, Trump never shoulders blame.

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    During the campaign, Trump would routinely kick aides off the plane as a time-out. "They hate me because they hate you," was a refrain.

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    Trump likely feels mounting pressure from further revelations of Russia ties and is preparing his core base to dismiss evidence as fake.

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    If there's something "bad or sick," it's willingness to make most outlandish & destructive claims without a scintilla of evidence.

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    Jan 11

    Retweet if you care about 's tax returns

  8. Trump got so mad over Sessions' recusal, he grounded senior staff, ABC News reports via

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    This is why the Russia investigation must be overseen by a special counsel, not a Trump political appointee

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    Sen. Sasse statement: "the President should explain what sort of wiretap it was and how he knows this."

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    Trump left WH in a fury on Friday, fuming about Sessions's recusal and telling aides that Sessions shouldn't have recused himself...

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    More deportations of non-criminals. This is happening.

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    2. DJT tweet storm was his worst fears "text-ualized". He's terrified FBI/NSA knows truth of exactly what was said in Russian Hack meetings

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    3. Accusing Obama/claiming "Watergate" scandal is a counterattack. Reveals dangerous seriousness of actual truth. Exposure must be imminent

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    Big Question: Why were Trump associates in contact with Moscow at all? If admin starts seeking FBI collection methods it's to coverup.

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