United States


Sessions to respond in writing to questions over Russia contacts: DOJ


WASHINGTON U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will reply in writing to Senate Democrats' questions about his meetings with Russia's ambassador last year, the Justice Department said on Friday after a top Republican denied Democrats' request for a public hearing.

Russia tells Libyan PM it is ready to help unify his divided country

MOSCOW/TUNIS Russia said on Friday it was ready to help unify Libya and wanted to foster dialogue between rival authorities in Tripoli and factions in the east of the country.

World, Libya Mar 03 2017

Under fire, Trump's attorney general removes himself from campaign probes

WASHINGTON U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday he would stay out of any probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election but maintained he did nothing wrong by failing to disclose he met last year with Russia's ambassador. | Video

Politics, Election 2016, Mar 03 2017

Trump's 'bromance' with Russia's Putin appears to be cooling

WASHINGTON With his administration on the defensive over investigations into alleged Russian meddling in last year's election, U.S. President Donald Trump is no longer tweeting praise for his Kremlin counterpart.

Politics, Election 2016, Mar 02 2017

FBI holding back information on Russia probes, Democrat says

WASHINGTON FBI Director James Comey was tight-lipped when asked about investigations into any Russian meddling in the U.S. election on Thursday during a closed-door meeting in Congress, the leading Democrat on the House intelligence committee said. | Video

Politics, Election 2016, Mar 02 2017

Russia and Syria say opposition trying to wreck peace talks

GENEVA Syria's warring sides both claimed U.N. peace talks in Geneva were going their way on Thursday, but the chief government negotiator and Syria's ally Russia accused the main opposition delegation of trying to wreck the talks.

World, Syria Mar 02 2017

Syrian army announces recapture of Palmyra from Islamic State

BEIRUT The Syrian army said on Thursday it had recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra from Islamic State for the second time in a year, with help from allied forces and Russian warplanes. | Video

World, Syria, Mar 02 2017

Germany says to keep soldiers in Baltics as long as needed

RUKLA, Lithuania/AMARI, Estonia German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Thursday criticized Russia's military build-up on its borders with the Baltic states as irrational and said Germany would keep troops in the region for as long as needed.

World, Germany Mar 02 2017

Russia accuses NATO, EU and Albania of meddling in Macedonia

MOSCOW Russia accused Albania, NATO and the European Union on Thursday of trying to impose a pro-Albanian government on Macedonia, gripped by political crisis.

World, Mar 02 2017

Russia reviewing Montenegrin request to investigate coup plot

MOSCOW Russia said on Thursday it was reviewing a request by Montenegro to help the Balkan nation investigate an alleged coup attempt, but dismissed allegations that Russian security agencies were involved in the episode as "a pure lie."

World, Mar 02 2017

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Mosul victims treated for chemical agents as displacement accelerates

BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq The number of civilians escaping the fighting in Mosul has increased significantly as battles intensify between U.S.-backed Iraqi forces and Islamic State militants, and some have been exposed to chemical agents, the Red Cross said on Friday. | Video