

The Official Twitter account, of recording artist Vinnie James. Grammy Nominee, Songwriter, Constitutionalist, Political & Religious Philosopher, Questioner.

A tweet away.
Beigetreten März 2016

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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    28. Jan.

    🚨Please ReTweet this 🚨 until EVERY American citizen has seen it. The , the MSM and the Protestors are DEAD WRONG. -VJ (JFK Terminal 4)

  2. vor 2 Stunden

    Oh yeah! You're gonna wanna see this. LOL. Liberal professor goes postal about Trump IN CLASS! Indoctrination? 🤔-VJ

  3. vor 5 Stunden

    The United States covers the costs of our First Families. It's nothing new. It's our proud honor, and has been for generations. -VJ

  4. vor 6 Stunden

    Here's an interesting look at the family size of past Presidents. Nice resource for "Trump travel cost" chats. -VJ

  5. vor 13 Stunden

    been reduced to ash if Hillary had become President. We dodged a MAJOR bullet. -VJ

  6. vor 13 Stunden

    CNN guest from Univision blames the US for illegal aliens, and for them using fake ID, D/L's etc. TWILIGHT ZONE! -VJ

    See more at
  7. vor 14 Stunden

    Bill Maher having on his show is the Liberal's version of the British surrender at Yorktown (with a LOT more F-bombs). -VJ

  8. vor 15 Stunden

    For those of you who missed it. I posted a couple of new tweets on my timeline you may find useful, especially the fake news ammo. -VJ

  9. vor 16 Stunden

    "The very APEX of Presidential Authority." Translation: get ready for a smack-down. WARNING: May depress libs. -VJ

  10. Antwort an
    vor 18 Stunden

    . An absolute MUST watch. Fake media is ? Watch this. LOL. -VJ

    "You have just committed fake news" - Sebastian Gorka
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  11. vor 19 Stunden

    Such General Chaos this with the hashtag. The Top Priority? : Trump Said FAKE news media. -VJ

  12. 18. Feb.

    Folks, Trump didn't call the MEDIA the Enemy of the American People. He called the FAKE MEDIA the enemy. Liberals TWISTING it again! LOL -VJ

  13. Antwort an
    18. Feb.

    . We'll be just fine. -VJ

  14. 18. Feb.

    "Enemy of the American People"? Make no mistake. George Soros: the Destroyer of Worlds. Click the link. -VJ

  15. 17. Feb.

    You know when they say: "Tip of the Iceberg?" This is what they're referring to. -VJ

  16. 17. Feb.

    So, my Democrat friends... you STILL think we're making all this up? -VJ

  17. 17. Feb.

    QUICK POLL: When someone says: "We need to investigate Trump's ties to Russia," which of the following fallacies are they committing? -VJ

  18. 17. Feb.

    A guy with knives coming out of his knuckles is trending high on Twitter. Yep. We've got our work cut out for us. -VJ

  19. 17. Feb.

    Dear Democrat Friend, is THIS what you keep voting for? Is this REALLY who you are? -VJ

  20. 17. Feb.

    Amazing the would even consider trashing the National Guard and cause mass hysteria around the nation just to "get at" Trump. Sad! 👎🏼

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