Juan M. Thompson


You show me a capitalist, and I'll show you a bloodsucker | Director of Communications--Gateway Housing Foundation | thompsonotherkin@gmail.com

What Fresh Hell Is This?
Inscrit en juillet 2010

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  1. Tweet épinglé
    24 févr.

    Know any good lawyers? Need to stop this nasty/racist I dated who sent a bomb threat in my name & wants me to be raped in jail.

  2. 27 févr.

    The visited me looked at my tweets, questioned my politics b/c some awful white woman I date reported me. I won't be silenced

  3. 27 févr.

    . She is unstable and violent. I'm a witness I can I testify.

  4. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    ratings are down again. Maybe we're getting sick of royalty.

  5. 27 févr.

    International Polar Bear Day

  6. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    02/27/1933 Reichstag building fire gives Nazis further pretext to suspend personal liberty with increased power.

  7. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    There can't be a middle class without an upper and lower (working) class. I don't care about the "shrinking middle class."

  8. 27 févr.

    Clinton on Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died." You know something about hate crimes.

  9. a retweeté
    18 févr.

    Brazil’s New Black Power Movement

  10. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    Liberals quoting Bush. Yeah, you mfers is dead.

  11. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    Reports of bomb threats at JCCs & Jewish schools, and another Jewish cemetery desecrated in Philadelphia. Sending love to our community

  12. a retweeté
    27 févr.
  13. 27 févr.

    Another week, another round of threats against Jewish ppl. In the middle of the day, you know who's at a JCC? Kids. KIDS.

  14. 27 févr.

    The white media is repulsive. Provocateur is what they call white supremacists b/c, at their core, they support the agenda.

  15. a retweeté
    27 févr.
  16. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    Donald Trump, Jr: champion of the little people

  17. a retweeté
    27 févr.

    Burnt steak and lying about refugees is the new counter culture

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