Posts Tagged ‘Paris’

Paris: “We live to tread on kings” from ‘Lucioles n°24’ (France)

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

‘O gentlemen, the time of life is short;…
An if we live, we live to tread on kings;’

Bodies covered with tarpaulins, sheets, littering the terraces of various cafés… The horror of the slaughter that took place in that hall. It’s surreal.

Unable to do anything in that situation. In the name of their religion these god-crazed fanatics put a bullet indiscriminately in all the living unfortunate enough to cross their path. Super-trained suicide bombers that self-appointed religious leaders have promised will go to heaven, taking with them the greatest number of people possible in their killing spree. And the sole purpose of all this is to impose terror. To make those who live in a peaceful society, far from the battles that the army conducts against a nation they have not chosen, smell the smell of blood. To punish a population because a State has decided to conduct a war, hold people responsible who had no say in these decisions. Revenge of a State, in the most cowardly and easy way, not touching those concerned, but breaking eggs to make a show of force by making a bloody omelette. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Parisian anarchist library threatened by “anarchists” because of alleged “Islamophobia” (France)

Saturday, February 6th, 2016

via non-fides

Words of introduction by the translators (Dialectical Delinquents) : The following is a translation of a communique sent out from the anarchist bookshop “La Discordia” in Paris, which has been tagged and been the subject of smears calling them fascists because of their critique of Islam.

Various comments have been circulating the Parisian “anti-authoritarian” milieu describing both La Discordia and non-fides (which are not the same thing, despite some people being involved in both, some are involved in just the bookshop/library) as racists and – at least in the case of non-fides – as anarcho-nationalists. Anyone looking at either of them for longer than 2 seconds would realise that there’s not only not the slightest bit of truth in these slanders, but also that they have consistently maintained an internationalist position contrary to some of the implicitly nationalist stances of some of the “anti-authoritarians” (e.g. a failure to critique Palestinian or Kurdish nationalism). Whilst this graffiti might seem a fairly trivial incident, such things, unless vigorously contested, can have a miserable result far worse than a tag. A lie goes half way round the world before the truth has time to get its boots on. And in a world of lies, most people are ready to believe anything as long as it conforms to their prejudices – lies are taken on faith, and most avoid checking things out themselves (one only has to look at the history of Stalinism to understand how vicious calumnies and amalgam techniques can become). So, in the spirit of solidarity with these anarchists, I have translated this text, despite it being of interest to fairly few people.

As planned long before, on Tuesday, January 26th, a debate entitled “Islamophobia: the conceptual political extortion racket” was held in La Discordia. We wanted to confront ourselves and others with a topic that is at the crossroads of the current widespread confusion over the condemnation of racism and the defense of religion. The joint discussions were interesting, and the sixty or so comrades and companions who came (we promise, next time we will rent a larger place, and with more chairs!) demonstrated that a lot of people find the need for a revolutionary critique of religions, every religion, even Islam, which others would like to palm off as the “religion of the oppressed.” (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Parisian anarchist library threatened by “anarchists” because of alleged "Islamophobia" (France)

Saturday, February 6th, 2016

via non-fides

Words of introduction by the translators (Dialectical Delinquents) : The following is a translation of a communique sent out from the anarchist bookshop “La Discordia” in Paris, which has been tagged and been the subject of smears calling them fascists because of their critique of Islam.

Various comments have been circulating the Parisian “anti-authoritarian” milieu describing both La Discordia and non-fides (which are not the same thing, despite some people being involved in both, some are involved in just the bookshop/library) as racists and – at least in the case of non-fides – as anarcho-nationalists. Anyone looking at either of them for longer than 2 seconds would realise that there’s not only not the slightest bit of truth in these slanders, but also that they have consistently maintained an internationalist position contrary to some of the implicitly nationalist stances of some of the “anti-authoritarians” (e.g. a failure to critique Palestinian or Kurdish nationalism). Whilst this graffiti might seem a fairly trivial incident, such things, unless vigorously contested, can have a miserable result far worse than a tag. A lie goes half way round the world before the truth has time to get its boots on. And in a world of lies, most people are ready to believe anything as long as it conforms to their prejudices – lies are taken on faith, and most avoid checking things out themselves (one only has to look at the history of Stalinism to understand how vicious calumnies and amalgam techniques can become). So, in the spirit of solidarity with these anarchists, I have translated this text, despite it being of interest to fairly few people.

As planned long before, on Tuesday, January 26th, a debate entitled “Islamophobia: the conceptual political extortion racket” was held in La Discordia. We wanted to confront ourselves and others with a topic that is at the crossroads of the current widespread confusion over the condemnation of racism and the defense of religion. The joint discussions were interesting, and the sixty or so comrades and companions who came (we promise, next time we will rent a larger place, and with more chairs!) demonstrated that a lot of people find the need for a revolutionary critique of religions, every religion, even Islam, which others would like to palm off as the “religion of the oppressed.” (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Paris: COP21 – Tear gas, grenades and hundreds of arrests (France)

Monday, November 30th, 2015


From The Acorn:

Tear gas and grenades were fired by French riot cops against brave activists who defied martial law in France – and more than 200 people were arrested.

Thousands took to the streets of Paris against the hypocrisy of the industrial capitalist system and its phoney COP21 climate summit.

For their pains they were kettled, intimidated, attacked and gassed by the cops. “The state of emergency is a police state, a fascist state!” they shouted in defiance of the brutal force deployed by a state which has been so busily depicting itself as a victim, rather than a perpetrator, of violence.

Activist media reported several hundred arrests, with the police taking arrestees away in buses. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action about the Paris Massacre (Turkey)

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

On 13th of November, more than 150 people have lost their lives and tens injured in 7 different neighborhoods of Paris as a result of coordinated ISIS attacks with bombs and guns. The murderer ISIS continues its murders outside of the Middle East and Anatolia regions. The massacre which took place in Paris shows clearly that ISIS terror knows no bounds. —- We feel the massacre in Paris deeply and share your sorrow. We have lived and still living through ISIS attacks supported by the state. From Şengal to Kobane, from Pirsus (Suruç) to Ankara, we have lost many comrades and friends. We are aware of the fact that the massacres aim to create fear, distrust and loneliness on us. Our pain is great and increases every day. In these periods, We have to grow the solidarity against the murderers that want to bury us into fear, loneliness and isolation.

We see the simultaneous moves of the French state and other states aiming to direct the process. We know that these same strategies are realized in our region under the name of “Fight against Terror”. In this environment of distrust, people have a psychology of panic which is directed by the ideological devices of the state; the state oppression of revolutionaries and state politics restricting the freedom of the oppressed will be politically legitimized; and the racist discourse and politics will increase. The states use these extraordinary periods for their political, economic and social interests.

We understand the situation that the peoples living in France are and will be in. We know the difficulty of carrying on one side the sorrow of the lost ones and on the side, struggling against the fascist mobilisations in the society created by the state. We stress that, even with this hardship, the struggle should be against the fear, the state and fascism.

The sorrow you live is our sorrow, The rage you feel is our rage, your fight is our fight!

Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet – DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action)

From a-infos via insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

New anarchist place in Paris : La Discordia (France)

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

La discorde est une forme profonde de désaccord, un dissentiment violent qui oppose des personnes entre elles et les dresse les unes contre les autres. Ce que nous souhaitons encourager, c’est qu’elle les oppose plutôt à ce vieux-monde et à ses défenseurs, comme cela se manifeste déjà, ça et là, par de nombreux actes de révolte et d’insoumission. Il n’est pas question pour nous de jeter de l’eau sur les braises de ces révoltes, mais au contraire de jeter, comme la déesse Discordia, la pomme de discorde au milieu de cette société où les rapports marchands et répressifs semblent avoir pris le dessus sur l’entraide, la solidarité et la recherche d’une vie que l’on aimerait vivre. Aussi contre cette résignation diffuse et la recherche du consensus à tout prix – même au prix de l’apathie. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Anarchist bookfairs and upcoming events in Europe (A-Radio)

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

On the occasion of an international anarchist meeting in Paris we had the opportunity to do some interviews in the studio of Radio Libertaire. This is one of those interviews. In it comrades from the Anarchist Radio Berlin, Crna Luknja (Ljubljana), Radio Libertaire (Paris) and the Vrje Bond (Netherlands) talk about several anarchist bookfairs around Europe and other upcoming events like an international radio meeting in Slovenia or the Pinksterlanddagen camp in the Netherlands.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

The length is: 11:35 min.

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!
You’ll find other English language audios here:

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcript translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at aradio-berlin/at/riseup(dot)net!

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Posted in Interviews

Lucioles- sortie du #20/ Fireflies- issue #20- anarchist newsletter (France)

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Sortie du n°20 de Lucioles, bulletin anarchiste de Paris et sa région. Nous évitons avec attention d’annoncer les sorties de ce bulletin sur des sites confus comme indymedia, et comptons donc sur les sites des camarades et compagnon/nes anarchistes et anti-autoritaires pour faire tourner l’info. Etant désormais tiré à 4000 exemplaires tous les mois (enfin ça dépend!), celleux qui souhaitent le diffuser dans leurs lieux ou quartiers peuvent nous contacter.

Bien à vous, et vive l’anarchie!

Issue #20 of the Fireflies, an anarchist newsletter from Paris and its regions is available now. We carefully avoid announcing the outputs of this bulletin on confused sites like Indymedia, and therefore rely on friends sites and companion / nes anarchists and anti-authoritarians to run the info. We now print 4,000 copies every month (well it depends!) Anyone wishing to distribute it in their areas or districts can contact us.

Sincerely, Long live anarchy


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Posted in Autonomy

Paris: SPIE utilities vehicle torched (France)

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

On the night of February 11-February 12, 2014, a vehicle of SPIE burst into flames, on Carducci street (ΧΙΧe).

SPIE is involved in the nuclear industry, in the optical fiber digital network and in the “1,000 cameras” plan, in the city of Paris. For these reasons, it must be attacked everywhere, all the time.

Snitch hunting has begun!

We send a greeting of love and struggle to the comrades whose trial started on February 3, in Koridallos women’s prisons. For anarchy!

Source: Nantes Indymedia
Translated by Inter Arma

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Posted in Direct Action

Paris: News Briefs from Lucioles #8 and #9 (France)

Friday, June 28th, 2013

from Lucioles, translated by waronsociety:

Lucioles [Fireflies] is an irregular newsletter containing texts of analysis and agitation in Paris and the surrounding area and analysis of everyday life from an anarchist perspective. We discuss different manifestations of insubordination and attacks in which we can recognize ourselves and uncover potential rupture against the State, capitalism and domination in all its forms by attempting to connect them each to everyday life. We do not desire to represent anyone or defend any particular piece of territory which is a scale model of this shit world. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Paris: ATMs and a loyal citizen smashed (France)

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

“Not a minute of silence
a life of battle!”

There is nothing more tragic than the death of a comrade, whether at the hands of the state and its cops or their historical allies, dirty nazis today are partly responsible for the death of Clement. The enemy is elsewhere in the state and capital, and in any mode of management thereof, as democratic fascism.
But the time of sadness happened, just that of anger and revenge. Finished with T-shirts and “rest in peace”, finished with vibrant homages mechanical eyes journalistic scavengers, and also done with political negotiations and recovery. It is time to attack the world that produces the fascist waste of Democrats and their false enemies.

Two ATMs bank smashed to the ground between Belleville and Republic, a citizen trying to stop us loses a tooth and fails to make smash too, night of Tuesday, June 18.

This is our contribution, our anti-fascism.

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Posted in Direct Action

Paris – Attacks on a bank and political headquarters (France)

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

from indymedia, translated by waronsociety:

Neither Justice Nor Peace

A week after the murder of a comrade in Paris by fascists,* a week after the ever-so-democratic police raid in Barbès…**

… a bank ATM burned in Montreuil (93), the window of the Pré St-Gervais (93) Socialist Party section shattered by blows, the headquarters of the Left Front (Front de gauche) located at Lilac (93) completely covered with tags. On both spaces and the nearby walls, one could read: “Scavengers”, “Neither the 6th Republic*** nor fascism — Revolution!”

(to be continued …)

Neither democracy nor fascism!
Down with the State and capital!

Translator’s Notes:
* The evening of Thursday, June 6, Clément Méric, a militant syndicalist and anti-fascist, was beaten to death by two neo-nazis in Paris. More info here.
** The afternoon of Thursday, June 6, there was a massive police raid in the Barbès area of Paris against undocumented people. More info here in French.
*** A socialist political group in France that militates for a new Republic.

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Posted in Direct Action

Paris: Young antifascist beaten to death by fascists (France)

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Via contra-info:

Short statement about the comrades’ death:

“In the night of Wednesday, June 5th, 2013, as he was leaving a clothes store near the Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris, Clément Méric, 18, antifascist and trade-unionist, was beaten to death by members of a far right group. He had left the city of Brest to study political science in Paris. He fell victim to the growing violence of the far right, which has increased over the last months. He died from his injuries at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital the same night.

All our thoughts go out to his family and loved ones to whom we express our complete solidarity.

His friends and comrades”

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Paris: Solidarity attack for Henry Zegarrundo (France)

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

from indymedia, translated by waronsociety:

Over the past few nights in Paris, the screens of two ATMs were cracked, we were thinking of the anarchist comrade Henry Zegarrundo, imprisoned by the Bolivian State for a year now (he was arrested on May 29, 2012, held in prison and recently released to house arrest).

All the States, the prisons, all the banks are of this world that we hate, let’s attack them!

* * *

Paris: Acción en solidaridad con Henry Zegarrundo

desde indymedia, trad. waronsociety:

Durante las últimas noches en París, se rompieron las pantallas de dos cajeros automáticos, estabamos pensando en el compañero anarquista Henry Zegarrundo, enjaulado por el Estado boliviano desde hace un año (detenido el 29 de mayo de 2012, mantenido en prisión preventiva y mas reciente en arresto domiciliario).

Todos los Estados, las carceles, los bancos son de este mundo que odiamos, los ataquemos!

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Posted in Direct Action

Lucioles n°9 – Mai 2013 (France)

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

[Dans le lien ci-dessous, vous pourrez consulter le n°9 de Lucioles, bulletin anarchiste de Paris et sa région. Nous évitons avec attention d’annoncer les sorties de ce bulletin sur des sites confus comme indymedia, et comptons donc sur les sites des camarades et compagnon/nes anarchistes et anti-autoritaires pour faire tourner l’info. Bien à vous, et vive l’anarchie!]


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Posted in Library